A Villainous World The Killers, by Hemingway tells us an attempted murder story. This short story is set in 1920s. The main characters are George, Sam and Nick. George is experienced and calm. Sam is indifferent and hopeless. Nick is kind, friendly, helpful and innocent.
The theme of the story is people’s illusions are vulnerable and can be easily destroyed by the society in a mass. It is a villainous world. Hemingway was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the World War late known as “the Lost Generation”. He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Nobel Prize in Literature 1954. There are 4 scenes in the story: In the first scene, two killers harassed Nick and George and caused some amusement. From the first scene, we can find some significant details that can imply the mission of the gangsters. For example, the killers eat with gloves. And also they keep their eyes on the mirror behind the bar. All these lay a good foundation of scene2. In the second scene, the killers controlled George, Nick and Sam. They arranged the scene of the crime skillfully. However, Anderson didn’t appear. So they left. In the third scene, after the killers leaving, Nick went to Anderson’s home and told him what would happen. It seemed that Anderson had known everything, he didn’t take any action, and on the contrary, he was waiting to die. In the forth scene, Nick went back to the lunchroom and decided to get out of the town. After reading the story, I get some conclusion: First, Anderson feels helpless because he knows that he can’t escape the reality. Second, the killers indicate the chaos of the society. Third, Nick decided to leave because of the loss of life and the fear of the society. It is the epitome of America which filled with violence, death and evil.
This story is good and I get something valuable after reading it. I find that reading English novels is interesting and helpful. I will keep doing it.