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时间:2022-07-17 16:36:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿






 我们都听说过 We"ve all heard that thing 一只蝴蝶在非洲扇动它了的翅膀 about the butterfly flapping its wings in Africa, 而几个月后迈阿密就发生了飓风 and months later there"s a hurricane in Miami. 如果你没听过 查一下吧 Well, if you haven"t, look it up. 这表示你认为不相干的东西 实际上是有联♥系♥的 It means things you don"t think are connected actually are. 我不认识这个女孩 I never knew this girl. 从未见过她 Never met her. 这是她所熟悉的生活 This is the life she knew. 而这是我所熟悉的生活 And this is the life I knew. (1996 年 11 月 伊利诺伊州 芝加哥)

 那就是我 就是那个小孩 There I am. There"s the kid. 你刚刚称自己为“小孩” Did you just call yourself "the kid"? 等等 这不是你在一节中 三次失球的那场球赛吗 Wait, isn"t this the game you fumbled three times in one quarter? 混♥蛋♥ 这也是我这么做的那一场球赛 This is also the game where I did this, motherfucker. 你可能不这么认为 但这一切都是相互关联的 You wouldn"t think so, but it is all connected. 这些傻瓜们 那位骑脚踏车的女孩 These knuckleheads. That girl on the bike. 等等…那个在边线上裸奔的是谁 Wait. Who"s that streaking down the sideline? 坎卡基最爱的儿子 Kankakee"s favorite son. 就是我 和我价值百万美元的微笑 Me, with my million-dollar smile. 他还是研究生纪录保持者 该纪录依然未被打破 Owner of grad school records that still stand.

 获得不是一 两个 而是三个奖学金机会 Given not one, not two, but three fucking scholarship offers. 嘿 其实是四个 Hey, it was four, actually. 天啊 吉米 你真了不起 Christ, Jimmy, you really were something. 那我呢 What about me? 他甚至让你看起来也不错 Well, he made even you look good. 坎卡基的骄傲与喜悦 Pride and joy of Kankakee. -看到了吗

 -好吧 - See? - Okay. 尽量别把这地方给烧了 Try not to burn the place down, 还有这次别忘了锁门 and remember to lock up this time. -好的 -等等 为何带上枕头 - Yeah. - Wait, what"s with the pillow? 你们谁有丹尼的消息 Anybody heard from Danny? 这才是真技术 看这个 Here"s the real play. Watch this shit. 就是这… Right here. Right there. 你以前还真帅 You fucking has-been pretty boy. 有些时候你以为事情 会朝着某个方向发展 You know those times where you think something"s gonna go one way, 结果却事与愿违 but it goes sideways? 如果非要我选出某个时刻 If I had to pick the moment, 那我人生开始变糟的时刻就是现在 here"s where it all started to go sideways for me. 糟糕一辈子 Like, for fucking ever. 吉米 你好 Hiya, Jimmy. -罗格 你好 -上车吧

 - Hi, Rog. - Hop in. 为何带了枕头 What"s with the pillow? 我上次见你时 你说你总是落枕 Well, last time I saw you, you said you kept getting cricks in your neck. 我以前也经常这样 I used to get "em too. 在我发现了这个枕头后 Discovered this pillow. 就再也没发作了 Never got "em again. 你是我见过最体贴的混♥蛋♥ You are the most profoundly considerate motherfucker I"ve ever met. 谢谢你 我的好兄弟 I thank you, my good man. 把它放在后面 Put it in the back. 那把橙色散&arts;弹♥枪♥是干什么的 What"s with the orange shotgun? 我订购了一批豆袋弹 I got a shipment of bean bags. 就是那种警♥察♥在暴♥乱♥时发射的 You know the kind cops fire at riots and shit? 他们给枪涂上奇怪的颜色 They trick the guns out with weird colors 这样在应对抗♥议♥活动时就不会装上真子弹 so they don"t load live rounds during protests, 杀死那些可怜人 kill some poor fucker 他们只是要求被当作人来对待 who"s just asking to be treated like a human being. 非常感谢你亲自来处理这件事 这… So appreciative you came in person to deal with this. That it-- 让我非常感动 Touches me in a deep place. 对于上一批货我感到非常抱歉 I"m so sorry about that last shipment. 错误是难免的 Mistakes happen. 兄弟 不足 1 公斤 我… Not a whole kilo, man. I"ve--

 让我很没面子 It"s fucking embarrassing. 我的货从来没少过 I mean, I"ve never been light before. 连 1 克都从没少过 无论是谁 Not so much as a gram with anyone, ever. 我为何要说拿到的货少了 Why would I claim I got shorted? 人心难测 Hard to know a man"s heart. 跟我来 Come on now. 你怎么知道是我这边少给了 How did you know the shortage was on my end? 是我的人丹尼说的 而我相信他 I know because my guy told me. And I trust my guy, Danny. 兄弟 那你为何相信丹尼 And why do you trust Danny, man? 我们从小一起长大 We grew up together. 这很可爱 That"s adorable. 吉米 我很抱歉 吉姆 Jimmy. I"m sorry, Jim. -丹尼 -吉米 非常抱歉 - Danny. - Jimmy, I"m so sorry. 你做了什么 What did you do? 告诉他 Tell him. 告诉他 Tell him. 兄弟 我偷了你 1 公斤毒品 I stole your key, man. 我得还债给伯尔尼的人 I needed to get right with Bern"s people. 我们知道不是我们少给了 We knew it wasn"t us. 我并不知情 I had no idea. 他也是这么告诉我的

 He told me that. 罗格 不要… No, Rog, no! -好的 -豆袋弹 - Okay. - Bean bag. 好的 他偷了 1 公斤 Okay, he clipped the key. 可以吗 这里是 1 公斤 Okay? Here"s a key. 还有 等等 And a second. 这是补偿给你带来的麻烦 For your trouble. 不要 No! 该死 天啊 Fuck, man! 好的 Okay. 这颗可不是豆袋弹 Not a bean bag. 这第三包是为了我们的友谊 And a third for our friendship. 这不仅仅是钱的问题 You know, this isn"t just about the money. 拜托 没什么事只关乎钱 但大多数都是钱的问题 Come on. Nothing"s just about money, but they mostly are. 他偷了我的东西 He stole from me. 不 他偷的是我的东西 我已经还给你了 No, he stole from me. I"d already paid you. 我今天来这里是为了获得补偿 如果说当中出了什么差错的话 I came here today to be compensated if there had been some kind of mistake, 但没有差错 but there wasn"t. 就只是这个混♥蛋♥偷了我的东西 Just this asshole stealing from me. -但却嫁祸于我 -不 我从没嫁祸于你 - But blaming me. - No, I never blamed you. -我并没… -闭上你的臭嘴 - I didn"t-- - Shut the fuck up!

 罗格 我从一年级就认识这家伙 他就像我的家人一样 Rog. This guy, I"ve known him since first grade. He"s like family. 就像若你被要求交出自己的亲兄弟 Be like if you were asked to give up your own brother. 你无论如何都做不到 对吗 No matter what, could you do it? 你还有半包 You still have half the bag. 我的家人会比这整包都值钱 My family would be worth the whole bag. 我认为我们来自不同类型的家庭 I think we come from different types of family. 所以你是说他的命只值 3 公斤毒品 So, you"re saying his life is only worth three kilos? 他的命值你失去毒品价值的三倍 His life is worth three times what you lost, 因为你什么都没失去 because you lost nothing! 他的命只值 3 公斤毒品 He"s only worth three kilos? 是的 好吧 他的命 对我来说只值 3 公斤毒品 Yes! Okay, his life is only worth three kilos to me! 我只要求生意伙伴老实 All I ask of the people I do business with is their authentic self. 吉米 很高兴见到你 Nice to see you, Jimmy. 你可以用那手推车把这个小流氓送到车上 You can use the cart to transport that young rascal to the car. 先生 您看过菜单了吗 Have you had a look at the menu, sir? (罗谢勒)

 天啊 还没 抱歉 Jesus. No. I"m sorry… 罗谢勒 Rochelle. 请给我倒杯水 好吗 Could I get a water, please? 你回来时我就能告诉你了 如何 And I"ll have an answer for you by the time you"re back? 当然可以 先生 Of course, sir.

 我是吉米 Jimmy. 当然可以 吉米 Of course, Jimmy. 好爽 Yeah. 混♥蛋♥ 举起手… Hands, motherfucker! Hands! (缉毒局)

 贱♥人♥ 你在笑吗 You smiling now, bitch? 我现在可以起来了吗 Can I get up now, please? 你就在这里躺着 受着吧 You just lie there and take it. 安全了 We"re clear. 关掉它 Turn it off. (联邦调查局)

 Damn, Jimbo. What you get up to last night? 该死的吉姆波 你昨晚做了什么 你知道她的名字吗 You even know her name? 罗谢勒 Rochelle. 她的姓呢 Her last name? 你打算扫射本地某所中学 Planning to shoot up a local middle school? 这属于联邦职权 That"s federal. 吉姆波 这是什么 Fuck is this, Jimbo? 叫我吉米 是 AK-47 自动步♥枪♥ Jimmy. It"s an AK-47. 这刑事罪将“不可能减刑” It"s a "no possibility of reduced sentence." 我有很棒的律师团 I got great lawyers. 他们能让奇迹出现

 They turn water into wine? 嘿 有人来看你了 Hey! You got a visitor. 一号♥窗 Window one! 他们上次试过了 They tried that last time… 基恩 下一个是你 二号♥窗 Keene. Next up, window two. 三号♥窗 时间到 Window three, you"re up. 你还好吗 You okay? 妈妈来探望你了吗 Did your mother come visit you yet? 她还在气我因为之前那件事牵连了蒂姆 She"s still pissed I got Tim mixed up in that thing a while back. 但至少你弟会被释放 Well… at least your brother"s gonna walk. 而我不会 I"m not? 我和知情人谈过了 I talked to some of the guys. 他们说博蒙特检察官想用你证明一件事 They said the prosecutor, Beaumont, he"s trying to prove something with you. 证明什么 Prove what? 证明他和犯罪组织无关联 That he"s not part of the machine. 我和犯罪组织无关联 I"m not part of the machine. 但我曾经有 I was. 我的家族有关联 My family. 你妈妈的家族有关联 Your mother"s family. 告诉我有办法让我出去 Tell me there"s a way out of this. 没这么容易 Not a quick one.

 四号♥窗 时间到 Window four, that"s it. 你会被判五年 You"ll get five years. 五… Five-- 行为良好将会是四年 Four with good behavior. 量刑准则中最低刑法是 The low end of the sentencing guidelines is 如果认罪 你会被判处两年 if you take the plea, you get two years. 他们不会判你两年的 They"re not gonna give you two years. 为什么 Why not? 因为那些枪♥械♥ The guns. 你不是那种开车到处扫射老奶奶们的人 You"re not some homey who"s running around capping grandmothers, doing a drive-by. 你没贩卖♥♥可♥卡♥因♥ 对吧 You didn"t sell crack, right? 你本性不坏 不过是误入歧途 You"re a good kid who strayed off the path. 你的刑期会是中档 You"ll have to do the midrange. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 我当了 23 年警♥察♥ I was a cop for 23 years. 我也四处打听了 他们都说了同样的话 And I asked around, and they all said the same thing. 会是量刑准则里的中档 Midrange of the guidelines. 五年 Five. 四年就能出来 Out in four. 我… I… 我不想看到你变成这样

 I never wanted this for you. 我想你过完全不同的生活 I wanted a totally different deal. 例如 Like what? 就如我曾说的 Like I said. 你没说过 No. 是什么 What? 就是你能有 For you to have, 你懂的 you know… 不 我不懂 No, I don"t. 有个老婆 有孩子 A wife. Kids. 有只能陪你玩飞盘的狗狗 A fucking dog to play Frisbee with. 以及一份稳定的薪水 And a steady paycheck. 老了领♥取♥养老金 Pension at the end. 我也想 I do-- 可那样… I couldn"t have… 什么 What? 我就帮不了你 要是我选择那样的生活 …helped you if I lived that life. 我还是想你过那样的生活 I still wan...

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