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时间:2022-07-23 15:12:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




  I 摘

 要 随着社会分工的不断细化和人们思想意识的不断提高,人力资源的合理配置越来越受到组织和单位的重视,能够发现,当前如果想要令员工工作效率得到进一步提升,就必须做好人力资源配置工作,而要想做好这一工作,能够运用的手段有许多,人岗匹配管理便是其中之一。《国地税征管体制改革方案》这一文件颁布于 2018 年,该文件要求,凡是省级及以下的国地税机构,可以直接将其合并。为了进一步规范职能配置、机构设置和人员编制,2020 年,L 市税务局进行了又一次机构人员的调整和完善,不但对各部门职责进行了梳理,还对人员编制以及机构设置进行了调整。机构的合并和改革,对税务工作提出了更高的要求,对组织合理配置人员,使有限的人力资源发挥出更大的价值提出了挑战,在 L 市税务局,决策者对人岗匹配的思想和理论运用不强,还没有建立起系统的认知和管理模式,引发了人员内部矛盾多、征管效率停滞不前等很多问题。本文立足于人岗匹配理论和胜任力理论,在综合调研了 L 市税务局人岗匹配情况的基础上,探索存在的问题并提出可行的解决措施,希望能对 L 市税务局在人员配置和使用过程中进行科学系统的管理提供一定的参考,令人岗匹配度低引发的一系列问题能够得到妥善处理。


 第二,在对 L 市税务局组织结构、岗位设置和人员队伍情况进行全面分析介绍的基础上,总结目前 L 市税务局人岗匹配管理取得的一些成效和存在的主要问题和症结所在。

 第三,选择 L 市税务局为调查对象,选择其当前人岗匹配情况为调查内容,借助问卷调查手段来展开调查,同时以模糊综合评价法为基础,进行人岗匹配度测评体系的构建,对该税务局人岗匹配度情况进行测算,在综合问卷调查数据和模糊评价法测算结果的基础上,对 L 市税务局的人岗匹配情况进行全面的评价,验证问题存在的真实性。

  II 第四,结合 L 市税务局的具体情况,从构成人岗匹配的两个要素,即岗位和人员两个方面提出改善的建议,按照人岗匹配管理理论,完成该税务局的人岗匹配管理思路的设计工作,并做相应的人岗匹配管理模式进行优化,令该税务局在开展人岗匹配管理工作之时,能够更加规范。



  关键词:人岗匹配;人岗匹配管理;税务局 ABSTRACT With the continuous refinement of social division of labor and the continuous improvement of people"s ideology, the rational allocation of human resources has been paid more and more attention by organizations and units. It can be found that at present, if you want to further improve the work efficiency of employees, you must do a good job in the allocation of human resources, and there are many means that can be used to do a good job, Person post matching management is one of them. The document "reform plan of national and local tax collection and management system" was issued in 2018. The document requires that all national and local tax institutions at or below the provincial level can be merged directly. In order to further standardize the function allocation, organization setting and staffing, in 2020, l Municipal Taxation Bureau carried out another adjustment and improvement of organization personnel, which not only sorted out the responsibilities of various departments, but also adjusted the staffing and organization setting. The merger and reform of institutions have put forward higher requirements for tax work, and challenged the organization to reasonably allocate personnel and make the limited human resources play a greater value. In L City tax bureau, the decision-makers do not apply the idea and theory of person post matching well, and have not established a systematic cognition and management model, resulting in many contradictions among personnel There are many problems, such as the stagnation of collection and management efficiency. Based on the person post matching theory and competency theory, this paper explores the existing problems and puts forward feasible solutions based on the comprehensive investigation of the person post matching situation of L tax bureau, hoping to provide some reference for the scientific and systematic management of L Tax Bureau in the process of staffing and use, A series of problems caused by low job matching can be properly handled. First, collect the research results of people post matching in China and other countries, sort them out and analyze them, and summarize the merits and weaknesses

  IV of the existing research, so as to lay the foundation for the writing of this paper; At the same time, clarify what is the person post matching management, what theoretical basis it has, what the main influencing factors include, and clarify how to carry out this management work. Secondly, based on the comprehensive analysis and introduction of the organizational structure, post setting and personnel team of L tax bureau, this paper summarizes some achievements, main problems and crux of the personnel post matching management of L tax bureau. Thirdly, l tax bureau is selected as the survey object, its current person post matching situation is selected as the survey content, and the survey is carried out by means of questionnaire survey. At the same time, the person post matching degree evaluation system is constructed based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and the person post matching degree of the tax bureau is calculated. Based on the comprehensive questionnaire survey data and the calculation results of the fuzzy evaluation method, Conduct a comprehensive evaluation on the person post matching of L tax bureau to verify the authenticity of the problems. Fourth, combined with the specific situation of L tax bureau, this paper puts forward suggestions for improvement from the two elements of person post matching, namely post and personnel. According to the person post matching management theory, this paper completes the design of the person post matching management idea of the tax bureau, and optimizes the corresponding person post matching management mode, so that when the tax bureau carries out the person post matching management work, Can be more standardized. This time, with the help of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, this paper analyzes how to design the person post matching management mode from two levels: one is the personnel management level; One is the level of post management. Pay attention to theoretical analysis and practical application, the demonstration of problems, pay attention to real science, straighten out the logical relationship of person post matching management, and put forward practical optimization measures.


  KEY WORDS: Man-Post Matching;Man-Post Matching Management;The Revenue; 目

 录 摘

 要 ............................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ III 绪

 论 ............................................................................................ 10 第一节 选题背景及研究意义 ............................................................................................... 10 一、选题背景 ................................................................................................................. 10 二、研究意义 ................................................................................................................. 11 第二节 国内外相关研究动态及文献综述 ........................................................................... 11 一、 国外研究动态 ....................................................................................................... 12 二、 国内研究动态 ....................................................................................................... 14 三、文献评述 ................................................................................................................. 18 第三节 研究方法和内容 ....................................................................................................... 19 一、 研究方法及技术路线 ........................................................................................... 20 二、研究内容 ................................................................................................................. 22 第一章 人岗匹配管理的理论分析 ................................................... 24 第一节 人岗匹配管理的内涵 ............................................................................................... 24 一、 人岗匹配 ............................................................................................................... 24 二、 人岗匹配度 ........................................................................................................... 26 三、 人岗匹配管理 ....................................................................................................... 27

  VI 第二节 人岗匹配管理的理论基础 ....................................................................................... 31 一、 胜任力 ................................................................................................................... 32 二、 胜任力模型 ........................................................................................................... 32 第三节 影响人岗匹配管理的因素 ....................................................................................... 35 一、 个体因素 ............................................................................................................... 35 二、岗位因素 ................................................................................................................. 38 第二章 L 市税务局人岗匹配管理的现状及问题 ............................. 40 第一节 L 市税务局人岗设置现状 ........................................................................................ 40 一、L 市税务局组织结构概况 ...................................................................................... 40 二、 L 市税务局岗位设置概况 .................................................................................... 41 三、 L 市税务局人员队伍概况 .................................................................................... 43 第二节 L 市税务局人岗匹配管理的成效 ............................................................................ 47 一...

推荐访问:管理模式 匹配 全文 人岗匹配管理模式的设计 人岗匹配方案

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