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时间:2022-07-26 17:42:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




  1 网络直播营销管理办法(试行) Measures for the Administration of Live Streaming Marketing (for Trial Implementation) 【中英文对照版】

  发布部门:国家互联网信息办公室 公安部 商务部 文化和旅游部 国家税务总局 国家市场监督管理总局 国家广播电视总局 发文字号:国信办发文〔2021〕5 号 发布日期:2021.04.16 实施日期:2021.05.25 效力级别:部门规范性文件 法规类别:互联网 市场管理 Issuing Authority :

 Cyberspace Administration of China Ministry of Public Security Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Culture and Tourism State Taxation Administration State Administration for Market Regulation National Radio and Television Administration Date Issued :04-16-2021

 Effective Date :05-25-2021

 Level of Authority :

 Departmental Regulatory Documents Area of Law :

 Internet Market Management

  Measures for the Administration of Live Streaming Marketing (for Trial Implementation) 网络直播营销管理办法(试行)

  (Cyberspace Administration of China, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Taxation Administration, State Administration for Market Regulation, National Radio and Television Administration 2021) (国家互联网信息办公室、公安部、商务部、文化和旅游部、国家税务总局、国家市场监督管理总局、国家广播电视总局 2021 年)

  Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总 则

  Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the administration of live streaming marketing, safeguarding national security and public interest,

  第一条 为加强网络直播营销管理,维护国家安全

  2 protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and promoting the sound and orderly development of live streaming marketing, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law of the People"s Republic of China, the E-commerce Law of the People"s Republic of China, the Advertising Law of the People"s Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People"s Republic of China, the Provisions on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content, and other laws, administrative regulations and relevant provisions issued by the state. 和公共利益,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,促进网络直播营销健康有序发展,根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《中华人民共和国电子商务法》《中华人民共和国广告法》《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》《网络信息内容生态治理规定》等法律、行政法规和国家有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2 These Measures shall apply to commercial activities of marketing in the form of live streaming by video, live streaming by audio, live streaming with photos and words or a combination of multiple live streaming forms through Internet websites, applications, and mini programs, among others, within the territory of the People"s Republic of China.

  第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,通过互联网站、应用程序、小程序等,以视频直播、音频直播、图文直播或多种直播相结合等形式开展营销的商业活动,适用本办法。

  For the purposes of these Measures, “live streaming marketing platforms” means various kinds of platforms that provide live streaming services in live streaming marketing, including Internet live streaming service platforms, Internet audio and video service platforms, and e-commerce platforms, among others. 本办法所称直播营销平台,是指在网络直播营销中提供直播服务的各类平台,包括互联网直播服务平台、互联网音视频服务平台、电子商务平台等。

  For the purposes of these Measures, “live streaming room operators” means individuals, legal persons and other organizations that open live streaming rooms by registering accounts on live streaming marketing platforms or via self-built websites or other network services, to engage in live streaming marketing activities. 本办法所称直播间运营者,是指在直播营销平台上注册账号或者通过自建网站等其他网络服务,开设直播间从事网络直播营销活动的个人、法人和其他组织。

  For the purposes of these Measures, “live streaming 本办法所称直播营销人员,

  3 marketers” means individuals who directly market to the public via live streaming marketing. 是指在网络直播营销中直接向社会公众开展营销的个人。

  For the purposes of these Measures, “live streaming marketer service agencies” means specialized agencies that provide planning, operation, brokerage, and training, among others, for live streaming marketers" engagement in live streaming marketing activities. 本办法所称直播营销人员服务机构,是指为直播营销人员从事网络直播营销活动提供策划、运营、经纪、培训等的专门机构。

  Market entities that engage in live streaming marketing activities and fall under “e-commerce platform operators” or “businesses on platforms” provided for in the E-commerce Law of the People"s Republic of China shall perform the corresponding responsibilities and obligations in accordance with the law. 从事网络直播营销活动,属于《中华人民共和国电子商务法》规定的“电子商务平台经营者”或“平台内经营者”定义的市场主体,应当依法履行相应的责任和义务。

  Article 3 Whoever engages in live streaming marketing activities shall abide by laws and regulations, follow public order and good morals, observe business ethics, adhere to correct orientation, and carry forward socialist core values, so as to create a sound network ecology.

  第三条 从事网络直播营销活动,应当遵守法律法规,遵循公序良俗,遵守商业道德,坚持正确导向,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,营造良好网络生态。

  Article 4 The cyberspace affairs department of the state and the public security, commerce, culture and tourism, taxation, market regulation, radio and television, and other competent departments of the State Council shall establish and improve work mechanisms for evidence transfer, information sharing, consultation, research and judgment, and education and training, among others, and effectively conduct the supervision and administration of live streaming marketing according to their respective

  第四条 国家网信部门和国务院公安、商务、文化和旅游、税务、市场监督管理、广播电视等有关主管部门建立健全线索移交、信息共享、会商研判、教育培训等工作机制,依据各自职责做好网络直播营销相关监督管理工作。

  4 duties.

  The competent departments of local people"s governments at or above the county level shall effectively conduct the supervision and administration of live streaming marketing within their respective administrative regions according to their respective duties. 县级以上地方人民政府有关主管部门依据各自职责做好本行政区域内网络直播营销相关监督管理工作。

  Chapter II Live Streaming Marketing Platforms 第二章 直播营销平台

  Article 5 A live streaming marketing platform shall undergo recordation formalities in accordance with laws and regulations and conduct security assessment in accordance with the relevant provisions.

  第五条 直播营销平台应当依法依规履行备案手续,并按照有关规定开展安全评估。

  Whoever needs to obtain the relevant administrative licensing in accordance with the law so as to engage in live streaming marketing activities shall obtain administrative licensing in accordance with the law. 从事网络直播营销活动,依法需要取得相关行政许可的,应当依法取得行政许可。

  Article 6 A live streaming marketing platform shall establish and improve the mechanisms and measures for the registration and deregistration of accounts and live streaming marketing functions, information security management, codes of conduct for marketing, protection of the minors, protection of consumers" rights and interests, personal information protection, and network and data security management, among others.

  第六条 直播营销平台应当建立健全账号及直播营销功能注册注销、信息安全管理、营销行为规范、未成年人保护、消费者权益保护、个人信息保护、网络和数据安全管理等机制、措施。

  A live streaming marketing platform shall have live streaming content management professionals commensurate with its service scale and have the 直播营销平台应当配备与服务规模相适应的直播内容管理专业人员,具备维护互联

  5 technical ability to maintain the security of Internet live streaming contents, and its technical solutions shall comply with the relevant standards of the state. 网直播内容安全的技术能力,技术方案应符合国家相关标准。

  Article 7 A live streaming marketing platform shall formulate and publish live streaming marketing management rules and platform conventions in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant provisions issued by the state.

  第七条 直播营销平台应当依据相关法律法规和国家有关规定,制定并公开网络直播营销管理规则、平台公约。

  A live streaming marketing platform shall sign agreements with live streaming marketer service agencies and live streaming room operators, requiring them to regulate the procedures for the recruitment of, training for, and management of live streaming marketers and fulfill their obligations to review the veracity and legality of live streaming marketing contents and commodities and services marketed through live streaming. 直播营销平台应当与直播营销人员服务机构、直播间运营者签订协议,要求其规范直播营销人员招募、培训、管理流程,履行对直播营销内容、商品和服务的真实性、合法性审核义务。

  A live streaming marketing platform shall formulate the negative catalogue of commodities and services marketed through live streaming, specifying the categories of commodities and services of which the production and sale, online trading, and commercial promotion and publicity are prohibited by laws and regulations and which are unsuitable for live streaming marketing. 直播营销平台应当制定直播营销商品和服务负面目录,列明法律法规规定的禁止生产销售、禁止网络交易、禁止商业推销宣传以及不适宜以直播形式营销的商品和服务类别。

  Article 8 A live streaming marketing platform shall verify the true identity information of live streaming room operators and live streaming marketers based on identification information, and unified social credit code, among others, and report identity information and other tax-related information to the tax authority in accordance with laws and regulations. A live streaming marketing platform shall take necessary

  第八条 直播营销平台应当对直播间运营者、直播营销人员进行基于身份证件信息、统一社会信用代码等真实身份信息认证,并依法依规向税务机关报送身份信息和其他涉税信息。直播营

  6 measures to ensure the security of personal information processed by it. 销平台应当采取必要措施保障处理的个人信息安全

  A live streaming marketing platform shall establish a mechanism for the dynamic verification...

推荐访问:试行 管理办法 中英文对照 【中英文对照版】网络直播营销管理办法(试行) 《网络直播营销管理办法(试行)》(以下简称《办法》)

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