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时间:2022-12-30 15:24:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

peaceful的中文是什么意思1  1.Theirexistenceposesaserousthreattopeacefullifeanddisruptsnormalbusinessoperati下面是小编为大家整理的2023年peaceful中文是什么意思3篇(范文推荐),供大家参考。



  1. Their existence poses a serous threat to peaceful life and disrupts normal business operations.

  2. When China and Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978, they resolved to settle all their dis*s by peaceful means.

  3. Since the row over Huangyan Island between China and the Philippines in April, the South China Sea has by and large remained peaceful and calm.

  4. China"s road of peaceful development is by no means an expedient choice.

  5. If the problem cannot be solved by peaceful means, then it must be solved by force.

  6. We have consistently called for settling international dis*s by peaceful means and opposed the use of force.

  7. " The protests were by no means peaceful, " Gleason said.

  8. Beijing proposes to settle the Taiwan issue by peaceful means but does not rule out the use of force.

  9. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.


  英 [ˈpi:sfl] 美 [ˈpisfəl]

  形容词 和*的; *静的; 安静的; 好和*的



  1. It"s peaceful at home when the children are at school.


  2. The hillsides looked very peaceful.



  1. Their existence poses a serous threat to peaceful life and disrupts normal business operations.

  2. When China and Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978, they resolved to settle all their dis*s by peaceful means.

  3. Since the row over Huangyan Island between China and the Philippines in April, the South China Sea has by and large remained peaceful and calm.

  4. China"s road of peaceful development is by no means an expedient choice.

  5. If the problem cannot be solved by peaceful means, then it must be solved by force.

  6. We have consistently called for settling international dis*s by peaceful means and opposed the use of force.

  7. " The protests were by no means peaceful, " Gleason said.

  8. Beijing proposes to settle the Taiwan issue by peaceful means but does not rule out the use of force.

  9. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.



——id number的中文是什么意思

id number的中文是什么意思1



  Here"s my ID number and telephone number.


  Class using the specified menu group guid and command ID number.


  Yeah, you got my name, my rank, my ID number.


  First, add a button to your dialog, and give it an ID number.



——how are you的中文是什么意思

how are you的中文是什么意思1

  how are you的中文意思

  英[hau ɑ: ju:]

  美[ha e(r) ju]

  [词典] 你好;

  how are you的双语例句

  1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


  2. A:How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  3. The important factors to consider when selecting an electric bike are battery life (which determines how far you can travel on a charge), speed, and durability.


  4. How old are you? I"m fifteen.


  5. If you are the creative type, we also have instructions to help you design your own style sheet for the Administration Panels, and even how to turn your


  6. How are you today I`m fine/super/ great /so-so!


  7. How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  how are you的回答


  首先我们要明白“How are you?”的使用情景:

  通常在二人会面时询问,作为打招呼的方式之一,如果你正巧碰到你的朋友正在经历些不好的事,比如他摔了一跤,你就不要使用“How are you?”了~

  除了“How are you?”,还有以下几种打招呼的问法:

  “How are you doing?”

  “What"s up, man?"

  “How was your day?”

  无论以上哪种问法,当你回答近况时,最好不要只学会一句“I am fine thank you,and you?”。


  1.I"m great thanks. Listen,……

  2.I feel amazing,……


  1.Not too bad!

  2.Can"t complain! / Mustn"t grumble!


  1.Pretty bad!







  英 [aɪ"tju:nz] 美 [aɪ"tju:nz]

  1. 工具:最新的播客可以在其官网上下载,或使用播客工具(iTunes)订阅RSS订阅连接,只有60集以后的每期的ID3内都包含了除广告信息外的所有对话原文提醒一下原文并非LRC格式,

  2. 音乐*台:Ubuntu 操作系统 | iTunes 音乐*台 | Foxit Reader PDF阅读

  3. (优秀的、跨*台的媒体播放器应用程序):Ubuntu (当前最受欢迎、用户最多的Linux开源系统) | iTunes (优秀的、跨*台的媒体播放器应用程序) | TrueCrypt (免费的、开源的、跨*台的虚拟加密磁盘工具)

  4. 播放器音乐管理工具 免费:Dreamweaver网页开发工具收费 | iTunes播放器音乐管理工具免费 | Netvibes个性化主页免费




  英 [ˈbrekfəst] 美 [ˈbrekfəst]

  名词 早餐,早饭; 早餐食物

  不及物动词 吃早餐

  及物动词 供给…早餐



  1. I am going to breakfast with them tomorrow.


  2. They sit down to breakfast.



  1. This hotel serves excellent breakfasts.


  2. He drinks tea at breakfast.



  1. 早餐;早饭

  Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is usually eaten in the early part of the morning.

  e.g. What"s for breakfast?


  e.g. ...breakfast cereal.


  2. (咸肉、蛋类等)熟食早餐

  A cooked breakfast or a hot breakfast is a breakfast that consists of cooked food, such as bacon and eggs.

  3. 吃早饭

  When you breakfast, you have breakfast.

  e.g. All the ladies breakfasted in their rooms.



——hold down的中文是什么意思3篇

hold down的中文是什么意思1

  压住; 镇压; 使固定; 限制;

  1. 抑制:解决慢收敛问题的另一个技术使用了抑制(hold down)法. 抑制法迫使参与协议工作的路由器,在收到关于某网络不可达的信息后的一段固定时间内,忽略任何关于该网络的路由信息. 这段抑制时间的典型长度是60秒.

  2. 压制;抑制(热情等):hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 | hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) | hold in 约束,抑制

  3. 制止;控制;缩减:hand down 递给;传递下来;世代相传 | hold down 制止;控制;缩减 | put down 写下;记下;镇压;放下

  4. 控制:227 hold back 踌躇,退缩,阻止 | 228 hold down 控制 | 229 hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚持

hold down的中文是什么意思2

  1. The room is made like a bus carriage and visitors can hold a handle hanging down from the roof when the simulated quake begins.

  2. When you hold up a real bill, the metal line down the center is continuous.

  3. The officer put up with it in order to hold off the woman"s charge, but later broke down in tears.

  4. The two combined to hold down the top spot in the standings for the entire 26 weeks before the Chase for the championship started.

  5. Click on the second chime to the right, and hold it down.

  6. It is sim* reprehensible to hold down one section of the citizenry so that another can enjoy more rights and government management will be easier.

  7. NHK said it is not clear whether he will agree to step down next month or try to hold on longer.

  8. Before being ordered to close down last year, the villa was a luxury venue where the rich would hold private parties.

  9. The only way to stay in business is to hold down the cost of ingredients.

  10. But justice demands that those who want to hold talks with us shut down their nuclear fuel cycle program too.


——so to speak的中文是什么意思3篇

so to speak的中文是什么意思1

  英 [səʊ tu: spi:k] 美 [soʊ tu spik]



so to speak的中文是什么意思2

  1. He can"t speak English, so would struggle to communicate with coaches.

  2. It is like wanting to make somebody happy and so you try to look cute, wear a pink dress and even speak like a child.

  3. I"m happy to speak with all members of the super series and will do so over the next few weeks.

  4. There was no embellishment so the clothes had to speak for themselves.

  5. I cannot speak Chinese and these young men and women have so many dialects, it is hard to understand what they mean at times.

  6. Their affection for each other is hindered by her physical imperfection, so to speak.

  7. He may well enjoy the pleasant weather now because next spring it will move house, so to speak.

  8. Monday"s observance at Arlington National Cemetery was not a funeral, so demonstrators were free to speak their minds at the site.

  9. When people date out of their " age league " so to speak, eyebrows are always raised.




  英 [ˈhɪndə(r)] 美 [ˈhɪndɚ]

  及物/不及物动词 阻碍,妨碍; 成为阻碍

  形容词 后面的,后方的


  1. Age hinders me from moving about.


  2. Don"t hinder him in his work.


  3. The policy will promote rather than hinder reform.


推荐访问:中文 peaceful peaceful中文是什么意思3篇 peaceful的中文是什么意思1 Peaceful是什么意思中文

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