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时间:2022-12-30 16:48:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

sat词汇书有哪些值得的1  1、SAT绿宝书《SAT词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序法)》  词汇收录完整度:80%,一些较难的词汇并未收录。  特色:乱序  使用:可以用于入门及进阶  2、巴朗350下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度sat词汇书有哪些值得3篇(完整文档),供大家参考。






















  但是大家需要了解的一个背景是-------这样统计出来的数据包括I、you、this、that 这般触及浅显的词汇,对于SAT本身没有任何帮助。











  2)BARRON 3500:这3500个词,在国际学生看来,是十分宝贵的资源。这个词汇表不是一本书,而是收录在BARRON 的《HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE NEW SAT》,或者《HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE GRADUATE RECORD EXAM》里面的一个附录。词汇选择是通过对各种考试,包括TOEFL,SAT,GRE,gmat等的词汇出现频率分析出来高频列表。所以这个词表的通用性很强。但是它的缺点是版面枯燥,解释简单,例句没有代表性。


  4)SPARKNOTES The 1000 Most Common SAT Words: 如果你是刚接触到SAT的同学,不推荐使用这个词表。这个词表主要是针对美国学生而设立的。这1000词语满足两个条件,第一是SAT常出现,第二是美国学生不知道的。但是,SAT中容易出现,但是美国学生知道,但是国际学生不知道的单词,就没有被这个词表收录。所以,这份资料可以留到最后使用。我觉它是我所用的所有单词表中最难的一个。

  5)SPARKNOTES The 250 Most Common SAT Words: 这个词表的亲妈是SPARKNOTES的1000词汇表,这250个是1000个中最难的。

  6)BARRON 800:在BARRON的《CRITICAL READING WORKBOOK》里面,有一个附录。这个词表包含了800个容易在分析性阅读里面出现的单词。这个词表有很多但不完全和BARRON的3500词汇重复。这个词表只是针对阅读部分的,所以不能作为唯一的单词资源。

  7)IVY LEAGUE VOCABULARY:这个是网络上的一个免费的词汇表,包括5000常用的文学词汇。虽然不是特意为SAT设置的,但是也是极其有效的准备资料。这个词表的原本用意是为那些准备到常春藤大学读书的学生丰富英语能力的,但是现在更多服务于考试准备。

  8)Kaplan 词汇:KAPLAN在它们的很多SAT书籍中都有关于单词的完全一样的附录,就是那500个KAPLAN高频词汇。这500个可以说是个个经典,如果时间不够,强烈推荐专门集中攻击这500个。但是,如果时间充足,这500可以作为中心,但是数量远远不够。美国16岁中学生的*均单词量在三到五万,考SAT都很困难。

  9)PRINCETON HIT PARADE 和 MCGRAW-HILL’S HOW TO BUILD AN IMPRESSIVE VOCABULARY: 这两个词表很相似,都是分类记忆。它们把SAT常用字通过对意思相关分组,然后同学可以通过相互联系的意义来记忆,能提高记忆效果。这两个词表都不到1000词语,所以作为了解SAT词语的情况是可以使用的,但是如果作为单一词汇资源,是很局限且无法满足需要的。



  但是大家需要了解的一个背景是-------这样统计出来的`数据包括I、you、this、that 这般触及浅显的词汇,对于SAT本身没有任何帮助。









  Awry adj. 错误的;扭曲的

  Baleful adj. 恶意的;有害的

  Abysmal adj. 深不可测的;糟透的;极度的

  Acidulous adj. 带酸味的;尖刻的;带讽刺意味的

  Acclimate vi. 服水土;适应新环境

  Acidulous adj. 带酸味的;尖刻的;带讽刺意味的

  Abrade vt. 擦伤;磨损

  Accost vt. 勾引;引诱;对…说话;搭讪

  Adherent n. 信徒;追随者

  Acme n. 顶点,极点;最高点

  Pinnacle n. 高峰;小尖塔;尖峰;极点

  Adulterate adj. 通奸的;搀杂的

  Accost 对…说话;搭讪, 引诱

  Abusive adj. 辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的

  Adventitious adj. 外来的,偶然的

  Absolve vt. 免除;赦免;宣告…无罪

  Acclivity n. 向上的斜坡

  Aptitude n. 天资;自然倾向;适宜

  Archive n. 档案馆;档案文件 vt. 把…存档

  Affable adj. 和蔼可亲的;友善的

  Allay 使缓和;使*静

  Alternation n. 交替,轮流,间隔

  Ambidexterous adj. 左右手同样灵活的;非常灵巧的;两方面皆能的;搞两面派的

  Amenity n. 舒适;礼仪;愉快;便利设施

  Amoral adj. 与道德无关的`;无从区分是非的;超道德的

  Append vt. 附加;贴上;盖章

  Approbation n. 认可;赞许;批准


  Impeach vt. 弹劾;归咎;怀疑

  Imponderable adj. 无重量的;无法计算的

  Impudence n. 厚颜无耻;冒失

  Incipient adj. 初期的;初始的;起初的;发端的

  Inconsequential adj. 不重要的;不合理的;不合逻辑的

  Indenture vt. 以契约约束

  Ingrained adj. 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的;生染的

  Ingrate adj. 忘恩的;不知恩的

  Innuendo n. 暗讽,讽刺;影射

  Insalubrious adj. 不健康的;不卫生的,对身体有害的

  Insensible adj. 昏迷的;无知觉的;麻木不仁的

  Insurrection n. 暴动;叛乱

  Intransigence n. 不妥协;不让步;不调和

  Intrepid adj. 无畏的;勇敢的;勇猛的

  Insipid 清淡的 无趣的

  Inveterate adj. 根深的;积习的;成癖的

  Irrevocable adj. 不可改变的;不能取消的;不能挽回的

  Jettison vt. 投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以为减轻负载)

  Knave n. 无赖;流氓;(纸牌中的)杰克





  A neutrally charged particle that, along with protons, constitutes the nucleus of an atom.

  Neutron number

  The number, N, of neutrons in an atomic nucleus.


  A unit of force: 1 N is equivalent to a 1 kg · m/s2.

  Newton’s First Law

  An object at rest remains at rest, unless acted upon by a net force. An object in motion remains in motion, unless acted upon by a net force.

  Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

  The force of gravity, F, between two particles of mass and , separated by a distance r, has a magnitude of , where G is the gravitational constant. The force is directed along the line joining the two particles.

  Newton’s Second Law

  F = ma. The net force, F, acting on an object causes the object to accelerate, a. The magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional to the net force on the object and inversely proportional to the mass, m, of the object.

  Newton’s Third Law

  To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If an object A exerts a force on another object B, B will exert on A a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by A.


  The points on a standing wave where total destructive interference causes the medium to remain fixed at its equilibrium position.


  The line perpendicular to a surface. There is only one normal for any given surface.

  Normal force

  The reaction force of the ground, a table, etc., when an object is placed upon it. The normal force is a direct consequence of Newton’s Third Law: when an object is placed on the ground, the ground pushes back with the same force that it is pushed upon. As a result, the net force of an object on the ground is zero, and the object does not move.

  Nuclear fission

  A nuclear reaction in which a high-energy neutron bombards a heavy, unstable atomic nucleus, causing it to split into two smaller nuclei, and releasing some neutrons and a vast amount of energy at the same time.

  Nuclear fusion

  A nuclear reaction that takes place only at very high temperatures. Two light atoms, often hydrogen, fuse together to form a larger single atom, releasing a vast amount of energy in the process.


  The center of an atom, where the protons and neutrons reside. Electrons then orbit this nucleus.



  A unit for measuring angles; also called a “rad.” 2π rad = 360o.


  Heat transfer via electromagnetic waves.

  Radioactive decay

  The process by which unstable nuclei spontaneously release particles and/or energy so as to come to a more stable arrangement. The most common forms of radioactive decay are alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay.


  An object is called radioactive if it undergoes radioactive decay.

  Radius of curvature

  With spherical mirrors, the radius of the sphere of which the mirror is a part.


  An area of high air pressure that acts as the wave trough for sound waves. The spacing between successive rarefactions is the wavelength of sound, and the number of successive areas of rarefaction that arrive at the ear per second is the frequency, or pitch, of the sound.

  Real image

  An image created by a mirror or lens in such a way that light does actually come from where the image appears to be. If you place a screen in front of a real image, the image will be projected onto the screen.


  A wave on a string that is tied to a pole at one end will reflect back toward its source, producing a wave that is the mirror-image of the original and which travels in the opposite direction.

  Reflected ray

  The ray of light that is reflected from a mirror or other reflecting surface.


  The phenomenon of light bouncing off a surface, such as a mirror.

  Refracted ray

  The ray of light that is refracted through a surface into a different medium.


  The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another. Light refracts toward the normal when going from a less dense medium into a denser medium and away from the normal when going from a denser medium into a less dense medium.

  Restoring force

  The force that causes simple harmonic motion. The restoring force is always directed toward an object’s equilibrium position.

  Right-hand rule

  A means of defining the direction of the cross product vector. To define the direction of the vector , position your right hand so that your fingers point in the direction of A, and then curl them around so that they point in the direction of B. The direction of your thumb shows the direction of the cross product vector.

  Rigid body

  An object that retains its overall shape, meaning that the particles that make up the rigid body stay in the same position relative to one another.

  Rotational kinetic energy

  The energy of a particle rotating around an axis.

  Rotational motion

  Occurs when every point in the rigid body moves in a circular path around a line called the axis of rotation.




  rectangular coordinate直角坐标系




  number line数轴



  arithmetic mean算术*均值

  weighted average加权*均值

  geometric mean几何*均数




  square root*方根

  cube root立方根

  common logarithm常用对数




  inverse function反函数

  complementary function余函数



  absolute value绝对值

  round off四舍五入





  An emulsifier of fats secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder for release in the small intestine.

  binary fission(二分裂) :单细胞生物进行无性繁殖的方法之一,一个个体分裂为大小大致相同的两个子个体

  Asexual reproduction found in prokaryotes in which a cell divides into two equal daughter cells by a nonmitotic process.


  The amount of living matter in a given ecosystem. Because only 10 percent of energy is transferred between trophic levels, the biomass of lower trophic levels is greater than the biomass of subsequent trophic levels: biomass of producers > biomass of primary consumers > biomass of secondary consumers > biomass of tertiary consumers.


  A particular geographic area with a common climate and characteristic plant and animal life. There are six major terrestrial biomes and two aquatic biomes. The six terrestrial biomes are tropical rain forest, savanna, desert, temperate deciduous forest, taiga, and tundra. The two aquatic biomes are marine and freshwater. Each biome is characterized by specific climax communities.


  The liquid that carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and carries carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes away. The liquid fluid of blood is called plasma. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein that binds oxygen. White blood cells fight disease. Platelets clot to prevent extreme blood loss resulting from injury.


  Rigid structures composed of living cells rooted in a matrix of calcium, phosphate salts, and collagen fibers. Bones are the primary component of most vertebrate skeletons.


  The center of the central nervous system. The brain coordinates the processes of the body. It is composed of various distinct regions, all of which have different functions, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and hypothalamus.


  A lower terrestrial plant (often a moss or liverwort) that lacks a vascular system and is dependent on environmental moisture for reproductive and nutritive functions.


  Asexual reproductive process in which a small portion of the cell membrane and cytoplasm receive a nucleus and pinch off from the parent cell.


  Solutions that resist change in pH even when acids and bases are added.


  Roughly spherical underground bud containing additional buds that can develop asexually into new plants.



  Instinctual behavior in which social bonds are formed during early development. Typically used with the example of a newly hatched bird or other animal identifying and treating the first moving object it sees as its mother.

  incomplete dominance(不完全显性)

  Occurs when two different alleles of the same gene are both partially expressed in a heterozygote. The resulting phenotype is intermediate between the homozygous phenotypes of the two alleles. Color in a four o’clock flower is an example of incomplete dominance.

  independent assortment(单独分类)

  Mendel’s conclusion that during gamete formation, the segregation of one pair of genes has no influence over the segregation of another pair of hereditary units. Two different traits will thus be inherited independently of each other. This law holds true, except for linked genes. It is often called Mendel’s second law.

  inheritance of acquired traits(获得性状遗传)

  A crucial, and incorrect, aspect of Lamarck’s theory of evolution. Lamarck believed that the traits a parent acquired during its lifetime would be passed on to its offspring.


  Behavior that is hardwired into the brain of an organism; behavior that does not have to be learned.


  Hormone secreted by the pancreas that reduces blood sugar levels. A lack of insulin can result in diabetes.


  The phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle in which the cell prepares for division, primarily by replicating its DNA. After interphase, the cell enters mitosis.

  intertidal zone(潮间带):涨潮线与落潮线中间之地区

  The most shallow zone in a marine habitat. Periodically dry or wet with the changing tides. Algae, sponges, mollusks, starfish, and crabs inhabit this zone. Also called the littoral zone.


  An atom or molecule that has lost or gained an electron and consequently has a positive or negative charge.


  A situation in which the concentration of solutes in a solution is equivalent to what it contains. There is no concentration gradient in isotonic solutions and no net flow of solutes or water.





  An organism that can produce the organic molecules and energy necessary for life through the processes of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Autotrophs do not rely on other organisms for food. In a food web, autotrophs are producers.

  Auxin(茁长素) :一种植物激素,刺激细胞伸长

  One in a class of plant hormones that stimulates (among other things) cell elongation, secondary tissue growth, and fruit development.

  amino acid(氨基酸)

  The monomer of a protein. A central carbon attached to an amino group (–NH2), a carboxyl group (–COOH), and a hydrogen atom (–H). The fourth group is variable and defines the amino acid’s chemical identity.

  amnion(羊膜) :位于最内侧直接覆蓄胚体的膜

  The extraembryonic membrane in birds, reptiles, and mammals that surrounds the embryo, forming an amniotic sac.

  anaerobic respiration(无氧呼吸)

  A form of cell respiration that does not use oxygen (as opposed to aerobic cell respiration). Anaerobic respiration is less efficient than the aerobic variety and produces just 2 ATP per molecule of glucose. Anaerobic respiration has two stages: glycolysis and fermentation(发酵).

  *ogous trait (相似特征):来源于相同祖先,与其他生物种功能、形态上相似的结构

  A trait that is morphologically and functionally similar to that of a different species but that arose from a distinct, ancestral condition.

  anaphase (分裂后期)

  The stage of mitosis in which sister chromosomes are separated and pulled to opposite ends of the cell by microtubules; the fourth stage of the first meiotic division (meiosis I), during which maternal and paternal homologous pairs are separated on microtubules; the fourth stage of the second meiotic division (meiosis II), during which either maternal or paternal sister chromatids are separated on microtubules.


  A male sex hormone. (e.g. *【睾酮】)


  A vascular flowering plant in which seeds are enclosed inside protective ovaries, such as fruit or flowers. Angiosperms can be monocots(单子叶) or dicots(双子叶).


  Pollen-producing structure at the top of the stamen, the male reproductive organ of flowers.

  Anticodon(反密码子) :位于tRNA上,和mRNA的"密码子相反配对

  The sequence of three nucleotides on tRNA that pairs with a codon of mRNA at the A site of a ribosome during translation.


  A protein coat on the surface of red blood cells; a red blood cell may have a protein coat of type A, B, or AB. If the cell has no antigens, it is called type O. The presence of a foreign antigen in a body will cause blood to clot.


  The largest artery in the body; carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle of the heart.

  aphotic zone(无光带)

  Literally, zone without light. The aphotic zone is part of the marine pelagic zone and begins 600 feet below the surface of the ocean. Only chemosynthetic organisms, scavengers, and predators are able to survive in this habitat.


  taste buds(味蕾)

  Structures on the tongue that contain chemoreceptors, which respond to four main sensations—sour, salty, bitter, and sweet—to create the sense of taste.


  The study of biological classification.


  The final stage of mitosis before cytokinesis. In telophase, the nuclear envelope re-forms around separated sister chromatids and kinetochore microtubules disappear. Cell elongation also occurs during this phase. The final stage of the first meiotic division (meiosis I), during which chromosomes arrive at the poles of the cell and begin to recondense; the final stage of the second meiotic division (meiosis II), during which chromosomes arrive at the poles of the cell, the nuclear envelope begins to re-form, and the chromosomes begin to recondense.


  Connective tissue between bones and muscles.


  The male gonads; sperm and * are produced here.


  A hormone necessary for sperm production in men. Also responsible for developing and maintaining the secondary sex characteristics of males, starting at puberty.


  Gland that produces the hormone thyroxine, which increases the metabolism of most of the cells in the body. Located in the neck.


  A group of closely connected and similar cells that cooperate to generate a specific structure or specialized function within an organism.


  A terrestrial plant with a vascular system.


  Any observable feature or characteristic of an organism.

  transfer RNA (Trna/翻译RNA)

  An RNA molecule used in protein synthesis as a link helping to convert messenger RNA into amino acids.


  The process by which a plant loses water to its environment through evaporation.

  trophic level(营养级)

  Steps on a food/biomass pyramid that are defined by organisms within a community that are the same distance from the primary producers in a food web.


  Long-term growth of a plant toward or away from a stimulus.


  Fleshy underground storage structure composed of an enlarged portion of the stem that has on its surface buds capable of producing new plants.




  fossil 化石

  foul taste 恶臭

  fraction 分馏物

  fractional distillation column 分馏塔

  fractional distillation 分馏

  free redical 自由基

  free-radical substitution 自由基取代

  fruity odour 水果香味

  fuel 燃料

  functional group 官能团

  fundamental substance 基础物质

  fusion (核)聚变

  fuzzy 模糊的

  fabric 布,

  factors that affect the rate of a reaction 影响反应速率的因素

  f-block f区

  feedstock 给料

  ferment 发酵

  fermentation 发酵


  alternate angle内错角

  corresponding angle同位角

  vertical angle对顶角

  central angle圆心角

  interior angle内角

  exterior angle外角

  supplement angle补角

  complement angle余角

  adjacent angle邻角

  acute angle锐角

  obtuse angle钝角

  right angle直角

  round angle周角

  straight angle*角

  included angle夹角




  Prim adj. 拘谨的;整洁的;呆板的

  Profligate adj. 放荡的,不检点的;恣意挥霍的

  Promulgate vt. 公布;传播;发表

  Propitious adj. 适合的;吉利的;顺利的

  Prostrate adj. 俯卧的;拜倒的;降伏的;沮丧的

  Prowess n. 英勇;超凡技术;勇猛

  Prude n. 拘守礼仪的人;故做正经的女人

  Psyche n. 灵魂;心智

  Pariah n. 贱民(印度的最下阶级)

  Pauper n. 乞丐;穷人;靠救济度日者 adj. 贫民的

  Pensive adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的

  Perfunctory adj. 敷衍的;马虎的;得过且过的

  Prank n. 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑

  Perpetrate vt. 犯(罪);做(恶)

  Philistine n. 俗气的人;-仇敌;门外汉

  Piecemeal adj. 零碎的;逐渐的

  Piquant adj. 辛辣的; 活泼的;痛快的;顽皮的`;刺激的

  Plaintive adj. 哀伤的;悲哀的

  Pliable adj. 柔韧的;柔软的;圆滑的;易曲折的

  Precis vt. 概括…的大意;为…写摘要

  Predispose vt. 预先处置;使…偏向于

  Preempt vt. 先占;先取;以先买权获得

  Prehensile adj. 适于抓握的;善于领会的

  Premonition n. 预告;征兆

  Presage n. 预感;前兆


  Saturnine adj. 忧郁的;阴沉的;铅中毒的;沉默寡言的

  Saunter n. 漫步;闲逛

  Savory adj. 可口的;风味极佳的;味美的

  Scruple vt. 对…有顾虑

  Secular adj. 世俗的;长期的;现世的;不朽的

  Sedition n. 暴动;煽动性的言论或行为;妨害治安

  Seethe vt. 使浸透;使煮沸

  Servitude vt. 使浸透;使煮沸

  Sever vt. 使浸透;使煮沸

  Sheer adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的

  Simulate vt. 模仿;假装;冒充 adj. 模仿的;假装的

  Sinewy adj. 有力的;多腱的;肌肉发达的

  Sinuous adj. 蜿蜒的;弯曲的;迂回的

  Skirmish vi. 进行小规模战斗;发生小争论

  Slacken vt. 使缓慢;使松弛


  Smirk vi. 傻笑;假笑

  Smolder vi. 闷烧;郁积

  Sobriety n. 清醒,冷静;节制;严肃

  Solicit vt. 征求;招揽;请求;乞求

  Spartan adj. 斯巴达的;斯巴达式的

  Spurious adj. 斯巴达的;斯巴达式的




  1.SPARKNOTES The 1000 Most CommonSAT Words: 如果你是刚接触到SAT的同学,不推荐使用这个词表。这个词表主要是针对美国学生而设立的。这1000词语满足两个条件,第一是SAT常出现,第二是美国学生不知道的。但是,SAT中容易出现,但是美国学生知道,但是国际学生不知道的单词,就没有被这个词表收录。所以,这份资料可以留到最后使用。我觉它是我所用的所有单词表中最难的一个。

  2.SPARKNOTES The 250 Most Common SAT Words: 这个词表的母亲是SPARKNOTES的1000词汇表,这250个是1000个中最难的。

  3.IVY LEAGUE VOCABULARY:这个是网络上的一个免费的词汇表,包括5000常用的文学词汇。虽然不是特意为SAT设置的,但是也是极其有效的准备资料。这个词表的原本用意是为那些准备到常春藤大学读书的学生丰富英语能力的,但是现在更多服务于考试准备。这个机构在出售配套CD,有兴趣的朋友可以GOOGLE一下。

  4.BARRON 800:在BARRON的《CRITICAL READING WORKBOOK》里面,有一个附录。这个词表包含了800个容易在分析性阅读里面出现的单词。这个词表有很多但不完全和BARRON的3500词汇重复。这个词表只是针对阅读部分的,所以不能作为唯一的单词资源。

  5.ARRON 800:在BARRON的《CRITICAL READING WORKBOOK》里面,有一个附录。这个词表包含了800个容易在分析性阅读里面出现的单词。这个词表有很多但不完全和BARRON的3500词汇重复。这个词表只是针对阅读部分的,所以不能作为唯一的单词资源。

  6.VY LEAGUE VOCABULARY:这个是网络上的一个免费的词汇表,包括5000常用的文学词汇。虽然不是特意为SAT设置的,但是也是极其有效的准备资料。这个词表的原本用意是为那些准备到常春藤大学读书的学生丰富英语能力的,但是现在更多服务于考试准备。这个机构在出售配套CD。

  7.aplan 词汇:KAPLAN在它们的很多SAT书籍中都有关于单词的完全一样的附录,就是那500个KAPLAN高频词汇。这500个可以说是个个经典,如果时间不够,强烈推荐专门集中攻击这500个。但是,如果时间充足,这500可以作为中心,但是数量远远不够。美国16岁中学生的*均单词量在三到五万,考SAT都很困难。






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