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时间:2023-01-17 13:12:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

外贸装运英语口语对话1  J:Nowthatwehavesatisfactorywiththedealforthequestionofpaymentterm.Iamdesiredtoknowifit下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度外贸装运英语口语对话3篇【通用文档】,供大家参考。



  J:Now that we have satisfactory with the deal for the question of payment term.I am desired to know if it is possible to effect shipment during April.

  W:I am sorry we cannot effect shipment in April.

  J:Then,when is the earliest we can expect the shipment?

  W:By the middle of May,I think.

  J:That would be too late.You see,June is the season of this commodity of our market.And we have to find somewhere else for goods retailing.Besides,our customers formality is rather complicated and it will take quite a long time.You must deliver the goods before May.Or else we won"t be able to catch the shopping season.

  W:It is all very well for you to say that.But I must point out that our factorys have a lot of back orders in hand.I am afraid it is very difficult to improve any other on that time.

  J:Can you find some way for an earlier delivery?It means a lot to us.If we place our goods on the market that time,when all the other importers has sold theirs and its preferable price we should lose out.

  W:How"s lose then?We will make an effect to advance the shipment to early May.

  J:Good.I take you as your words.May I suggest you put it down in the contract.May I letter of credit issued early April?Other terms and conditions remain the same as previous dealings.

  W:Alright.We would do everything to advance the shipment.

  J:Thanks ever so much for your help.I hope the volume of trade between us will be even greater in future.Can you effect the shipment of the order of 5works in October?

  W:Now is July.And we have 3months to prepare the goods.There shouldn"t be any problem,so far as I can see.Will talk to the factory.

  J:But no later than the October.I am terribly worry about the shipment.If the shipment is too late,or will force us to destroy the contract.

  W:It isn"t so serious,is it?We can effect the shipment in December.Or early next year at the latest.

  J:My god.If the goods should arrive in January,the selling season will be over.And the 5works will become useless to us.

  W:You know we have sold 5works to several dozens of countries,and about 15countries have placed us order ahead of you.So far,we are fully committed.

  J:Then,we will have to do business elsewhere.

  W:Don"t worry.Mr Miller.We will have a way out.

  J:Since the time of shipment cannot be fixed,I cannot but worry about it.

  W:Don"t you buy the 5works for Christmas?

  J:Yes,we are preparing to sell these 5works on the market before Christmas.It is the most important and ceremony festival in our country.When holidays are over,who will buy the 5works?

  W:We can assure you delivery sometime in November.And it won"t affect your business.

  J:Better sounds earlier.If any problem arise,it will be our bad luck on it.

  W:I see.I will consult with the factory once more and urge them to try to effect the shipment by the end of October or during the first ten days of November at the latest.Is that alright?

  J:That"s excellent.


  1.To start with,may I know why you are interested in working for our company?


  2.What was your chief responsibility in your past work?


  3.Can you name some terms of payment?


  4.Irrevocable letter of credit,confirmed letter of credit,transferable and divisible letter of credit are common terms of payment in international trade.


  5.As far as I know,your company has had impressive records in business.


  6.I am in charge of marketing activities in South-East Asia.


  7.I"d like to work in a foreign capital enterprise.


  8.I took charge of sourcing,price negotiation,and supplier management on telephone and mobile.


  9.It is quality that is essential to occupying and expanding international market.


  10.If one nation enjoys this kind of treatment,it is accessible to tariff preference forimporting goods from another nation.


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