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时间:2023-01-22 13:54:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




his ntrat is ade by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree t buy and the Sellers agree t sell the under entined dity arding t the ters and nditins stipulated belw:买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: DIY:Ite Desriptin名称及规格 Unit单位 Qty数量 Unit Prie (FB hngqing)($)单价 Aunt (FB hngqing)($)总价1 uld f Plugh VD and VD Sets 1 uld f Furrwer AE and AE1 Sets 1 AL VALUE:US $(Say Dllars Seven husand w undred And Nineteen Pint hree nly)3 Plugh VD Sets arding t rder arding t rder4 Plugh VD Sets arding t rder arding t rder5 Furrwer AE withut SG93 Sets arding t rder arding t rder6 SG93 Sets arding t rder arding t rder7 Furrwer AE1 Sets arding t rder arding t rderAL VALUE:US $ arding t rder(Say Dllars arding t rder nly)ther ters 1:In the future, if the steel flating prie will hange n re than ±5%, the qutatin is n hange; if the steel flating prie will hange re than ±5%, the prie be fixed by thrugh negtiatin by bth he table belw list the steel prie 附1:如果卖方国内市场钢材价格浮动小于或等于±5%,以上产品价格不作变动;如果钢材价格浮动大于±5%,由买卖双方协商价格变动幅度。以下列出所用主要钢材现行价格:Q235 δ3 δ165N δ4 δ1545# δ5 φ14δ2 δ6 φ22ther ters 2:In the future, if the urrent RB prie f the US dllar will hange between ~, the qutatin is n hange; if the urrent RB prie f the US dllar will hange exeed ~, the prie be fixed by thrugh negtiatin by bth 附2:如果人民币与美圆汇率在~区间浮动,以上产品价格不作变动;如果汇率浮动超过此区间,由买卖双方协商价格变动幅度。 UNRY AND ANUFAURERS:原产国及制造商: hina hngqing Sanxia ahinery Fatry 重庆市北碚三峡机械厂 PAKING:VD and VD: In steel shelf 钢架包装AE and AE1:In artns with Ribas’s 带Ribas商标的纸板箱包装 SIPPING ARK:At Buyer’s ptin 买方选定 IE F SIPEN(装运期):pen ulds and deliver saples: within 8 days after reeipt f /开模具及送样:卖方收到外汇现金8天内送样Fral rder: After buyers nfir saple and then nfir rder, within se days after reeipt f /, t nfir ties arding t 正式定单:在买方确认样品及正式定单后,卖方收到外汇现金一定时间内装运,具体时间根据订单确定。 PR F SIPEN(装运港): hngqing , PR F DESINAIN(目的港):Barelna , INSURANE(保险): be vered by buyers fr 11% invie value against All PAYEN(付款方式):/ 1%外汇现金结算付款, 买方给卖方开出1%外汇现金/。Sellers’s Bank infratin:卖方银行资料: SIPEN:he Sellers shall ship the gds within the shipent tie fr the prt f shipent t the ransshipent is Partial shipent is nt 运输:卖方应于交货期内将合同货物从装货港运到目的港,不许分批,允许转运。 SIPPING ADVIE:he sellers shall, iediately upn the pletin f the lading f the gds, advise by fax the buyers f the ntrat , dity, quantity, invied value, grss weight, nae f vessel and date f delivery In ase due t the sellers nt having faxed in tie, all lsses aused shall be brne by the 装运通知:卖方应于装货后,立即用传真将有关合同号、货物、数量、发票价值、毛重、运输工具名称、交货日期、货物预计抵达日等资料通知买方。如果由于卖方未能通知买方而造成的所有损失均由卖方承担。 GUARANEE F QUALIY:he Sellers guarantee that the dity heref is ade f the best aterials with first lass wrkanship, brand new and unused, and plies in all respets with the quality and speifiatin stipulated in this 质量保证:卖方保证合同货物采用的材料、精湛的做工、全新、未使用过、质量和技术规格均符合合同的要求。 LAIS:Daages ur in the urse f peratin by reasn f inferir quality, bad wrkanship r the use f inferir aterials, the Buyers shall iediately ntify the Sellers in writing and put frward a lai supprted by Inspetin ertifiate issued by the State Adinistratin fr Entry-Exit Inspetin and Quarantine f .he ertifiate s issued shall be aepted as the base f a he Sellers, in ardane with the Buyers" lai shall be respnsible fr the iediate eliinatin f the defet(s), plete r partial replaeent f the dity r shall devaluate the dity arding t the state f defet(s), . If the Sellers fail t answer the Buyers within ne nth after reeipt f the afresaid lai, the lai shall be rekned as having been aepted by the 索赔:由于货物内在的质量、差的做工、选材不当而造成操作中的货物损坏,买方应立即书面通知卖方,并同时随附*商检局出具的检验报告作为索赔依据。卖方在接到买方的索赔后,有责任立即解决相应的质量问题、全部或部分地替换货物或根据货物损坏的程度进行折价; 如果卖方在收到买方的上述索赔后一个月内未能作出答复,则视为索赔已为卖方所接受。 FRE AEURE:he Sellers shall nt be held respnsible fr the delay in shipent r nn-delivery f the gds due t Fre ajeure, whih ight ur during the press f anufaturing r in the urse f lading r he Sellers shall advise the Buyers iediately f the urrene entined abve and within furteen days thereafter, the Sellers shall send by airail t the Buyers fr their aeptane a ertifiate f the aident issued by the petent Gvernent Authrities where the aident urs as evidene Under suh irustanes the Sellers, hwever, are still under the bligatin t take all neessary easures t hasten the delivery f the 不可抗力:对于制造或装船运输过程中可能产生的不可抗力而造成的迟交货或不能交货,卖方可以不承担责任。卖方应立即在不可抗力产生的十四日内将有关情况通知买方,并且卖方应用航空邮件将有关**部门出具的证明不可抗力产生的文件寄送给买方。在此情况下,卖方仍应尽努力采取各种措施促使货物的发运。 LAE DELIVERY AND PENALY:Shuld the Sellers fail t ake delivery n tie as stipulated in the ntrat, with exeptin f Fre ajeure auses speified in lause 15 f this he Buyers shall agree t pstpne the delivery n nditin that the Sellers agree t pay a penalty whih shall be deduted by the paying bank fr the he Penalty, hwever, shall nt exeed 5% f the ttal value f the gds invlved in the late he rate f penalty is harged at % fr every seven dd days less than seven days shuld be unted as seven In ase the Sellers fail t ake delivery ten weeks later than the tie f shipent stipulated in the ntrat, the Buyers shall have the right t anel the ntrat and the Sellers, in spite the anellatin, shall still pay the afresaid penalty t the Buyers withut 迟交货和罚金:如果卖方未能按合同规定及时交货(除了本合同15条款所言的不可抗力),买方同意在卖方付罚金的前提下迟交货。罚金的金额不超过迟交货的合同货物部分的价值的5%,罚金按每7日%计算,少于7日的增加天数按7日计。如果卖方未能于合同规定的交货期之后的十周内发运,买方有权取消该合同,除此之外,卖方仍要将有关罚金不加拖延地付给买方。 ERINAIN F NRA:erinate ntrat by thrugh negtiatin by bth Sellers shuld give bak uld that have paid, he transprt sts f give bak uld, t be vered by 合同终止:经双方协商终止合同的。卖方应将买方已付费的模具全部归还买方,归还模具产生的运输费用,由买方支付。 ARBIRAIN:Any dis* arising fr r in nnetin with this ntrat shall be subitted t hina Internatinal Eni and rade Arbitratin issin fr arbitratin whih shall be nduted in ardane with the issin"s arbitratin rules in effet at the tie f ap*ing fr he arbitral award is final and binding upn bth Arbitratin fee shall be brne by the lsing 仲裁:与此合同有关的争议应通过友好协商解决。如果协商无法解决,提交*国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁。按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 ARGES: All bank harges utside hina will be n the aunt f the 银行费用:所有*之外的银行费用均由买方承担。 his ntrat signed in three pies, the seller hlds ne py and the buyer hld tw 其它:本合同一式叁份,卖方执壹份, 买方执贰份。E BUYERS E SELLERS12


甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________第一条乙方加工事项,以甲方所交付的外包加工单为凭。第二条乙方须按照外包加工单所列的各项规定,如加工说明、数量、交货日期等确实履行,准时交货。 第三条乙方所交的加工品应保证为合格品,并不得有短缺或不合规格及瑕疵等情况,且经甲方验收后,始认为合格。第四条材料由_________方负责。第五条若材料由甲方负责供应时,废料率为_________。第六条验收时的检验方法是采用_________,正常检验,二级检验水准。一次抽样计划,alq为_________,或正常检验,四级检验水准。一边规格界限,形式_________,alq为_________。第七条乙方必须确实遵守外包加工单所规定的交货期,或甲方外协管理员电话或书面通知调整的交货期,若有延误的情况以及因规格不合,质量不良,致验收不合格而遭退货时,乙方应依下列办法计算违约金付予甲方,但因天灾或人力不可抗拒的事故,经甲方认为属实者,则不在此限。(一)过期5日内,每逾1天,按未交部分总价,处_________违约金。(二)继续逾期5天以上至1天以内者,每逾一天按未交部分总价,处_________违约金。(三)继续逾期1天以上至2天以内者,每逾一天按未交部分总价处_________违约金。(四)继续逾期2天以上,依违约论,不论未交部分数量,违约金以价款的一倍计算。第八条通过验收的货品在甲方再加工时,若发现有不良品时(明显为甲方再加工后的磨损品除外),则甲方可向乙方要求赔偿或退回乙方重新加工。第九条乙方送交加工品,因不良导致甲方生产线停工,其工时损失要由乙方负责,如果甲方发生非常严重不良后果,则甲方有权取消外包加工单。第十条按期交足定货而合格率为1%,给予总价_________奖励金。按期交足定货而合格率为95%,给予总价_________奖励金。第十一条试用厂商的试用期间为三个月,每月接受甲方外包质量管理检查一次,试用期满,视其考核评分到达_________分以上者,才能正式成为甲方的加工厂商。第十二条加工厂商每月接受甲方外包质量管理检查一次,每月考核质量,交货期,价格这三项,每年总考核一次,划分 等级。第十三条付款条件:乙方交来的货品经甲方验收合格后,甲方_________。第十四条乙方应找(乙方资本额二倍)殷实铺保连带保证乙方履行本约。

推荐访问:合同 菁华 加工贸易 加工贸易合同:加工合同 菁华2篇 加工贸易合同:加工合同1 加工合同与买卖合同 合同法加工合同 加工销售合同

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