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时间:2023-02-09 17:48:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

找一份理想的工作英语作文1  MaybeIllbecomeahistoryteacher.IfIbecomeahistoryteacher,Ilovechildrenandhistory.Becau下面是小编为大家整理的找一份理想工作英语作文(完整),供大家参考。



  Maybe Ill become a history teacher.If I become a history teacher,I love children and history.Because childre makes me happy and history makes me smart.

  Maybe Ill become a basketball player.If I become a basketball player,Ill become famous.If Ibecome famous,people all over the China will know me.But I wont become famous,so I think I will be a history teacher.

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