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时间:2023-02-13 09:54:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  Truth as cough, mostly at the irrepressible gushing. Lies as lines, often have to memorize a repeat..以下是小编为大家搜索整理的职称英语考试《综合A》词汇选项备考试题附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!

  1.Our arrangements were thrown into complete turmoil.

  A. failure

  B. doubt

  C. confusion

  D. relief

  2.I am so engaged and I visit my parents occasionally.

  A. always

  B. sometimes

  C. often

  D. usually

  3.It seems unavoidable for him to porce with his wife.

  A. available

  B. inevitable

  C. consistent

  D. critical

  4.You should take many essential factors into consideration.

  A. negative

  B. positive

  C. personal

  D. fatal

  5.The overestimation about the situation caused the public worries.

  A. expression

  B. impression

  C. exaggeration

  D. consideration

  6.The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man.

  A. gave away

  B. given up

  C. turned down

  D. turned up

  7.I can no longer tolerate his impolite behaviors in the party.

  A. put up with

  B. live up to

  C. look up to

  D. stand up for

  8.You didn't adhere to these principles.

  A. order

  B. follow

  C. prove

  D. handle

  9.Many residents of apartment complexes object to noisy neighbors.

  A. managers

  B. occupants

  C. landlords

  D. caretakers

  10. Gas does accumulate in the mines around here.

  A. increase

  B. spread

  C. collect

  D. grow

  11. The two parties finally agreed to collaborate with each other.

  A. operate

  B. conduct

  C. lead

  D. cooperate

  12. The performance at the concert is really miraculous.

  A. humorous

  B. dangerous

  C. lazardous

  D. wonderful

  13. John doesn't believe in traditional medicine; he has some remedies of his own.

  A. standard

  B. regular

  C. routine

  D. conventional

  14. The view from my bedroom window was absolutely spectacular.

  A. general

  B. traditional

  C. magnificent

  D. strong

  15. The Mayan civilization flourished on the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.

  A. profited

  B. gained

  C. benefited

  D. prospered

  16. Mr. Johnson evidently regarded this as a great joke.

  A. readily

  B. casually

  C. obviously

  D. simply

  17. We all think that Mary's husband is a very monotonous person.

  A. shy

  B. stupid

  C. dull

  D. selfish

  18. The workers in that factory manufacture furniture.

  A. promote

  B. paint

  C. produce

  D. polish

  19. They only have a limited amount of time to get their points across.

  A. large

  B. total

  C. small

  D. similar

  20. Can you follow the plot?

  A. change

  B. investigate

  C. write

  D. understand




  3.B。句意:好像他和妻子之间的离婚是不可避免了。本题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词unavoidable意为“不可避免的”,选项available意为“能得到的,可利用的”, inevitable意为“不可避免的”,consistent意为“一致的”,critical意为“批评的,关键的”,故正确答案为B。



  6.B。句意:医生已经放弃了援救这位老人的希望。本题是对短语的考查,题干为单个词,但是选项均为短语。题干划线词abandon意为“放弃”,选项中give in意为“屈服”,giveup意为“放弃”,tum down意为“调低音量;拒绝”,tum up意为“调高音量,出现”,所以正确答案为B。

  7.A。句意:我再也不能忍受他在聚会上的粗鲁行为了。本题是对短语的考查,题干为单个词,但是选项均为短语。题干划线词tolerate意为“容忍,忍受,宽容”;选项中putupwith意为“忍受”,live up to意为“不辜负”,look up to意为“尊敬,仰视”,stand up for意为“支持,拥护”,所以正确答案为A。

  8.B。句意:你没有遵循这些原则。划线部分是短语而选项为单个词的形式,本题实际是考查常见动词短语在特定语境中的意思。adhere to意为“坚持,依附”。选项的四个词均为中学学过的基础词,所以考生很容易能辨出这四个单词的意思。0rder意为“命令”,follow意为“跟随,遵循”,prove意为“证明,证实”,handle意为“处理”。可知正确答案为B。











  19.C。句意:他们只有有限的时间来使他们的观点被理解。题干划线词limited意为“有限的”,在这里可与small互换,a small amount oftime意为“时间很短”。句子中的get across是一个固定短语,常用的意思有“越过,被理解”,large意为“大的”,total意为“总的,全部的,整个的”,similar意为“相似的,类似的”,可知正确答案为C。


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