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时间:2023-02-18 18:24:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

高中晨读英语美文UptoYou1  Jerrywasthekndofguywhowasalwaysnagoodmoodandalwayshadsomethngpostvetosay.  Oneday下面是小编为大家整理的高中晨读英语美文Up,to,You,菁选五篇,供大家参考。


高中晨读英语美文Up to You1

  Jerry was the knd of guy who was always n a good mood and always had somethng postve to say.

  One day went up to Jerry and asked hm, “ don’t get t! You can’t be a postve person all of the tme. How do you do t?” Jerry repled, “Each mornng wake up and say to myself, ‘Jerry, you have two choces today. You can choose to be n a good mood or you can choose to be n a bad mood.’ choose to be n a good mood. “

  “Yeah, rght, t’s not that easy,” protested.

  “Yes t s,” Jerry sad. “Lfe s all about choces. You choose how you react to stuatons. You choose how people wll affect your mood. You choose to be n a good mood or bad mood. t’s your choce how you lve lfe.”

  reflected on what Jerry sad. Soon thereafter, changed my job. We lost touch.Several years later, heard that Jerry was robbed and was shot. saw Jerry about sx months after the accdent. When asked hm how he was, he repled, “ feel really good.”

  asked hm what had gone through hs mnd when he was taken to the hosptal.

  Jerry repled, “The frst thng came to my mnd was that should have closed the back door. Then remembered that had two choces: could choose to lve, or could choose to de. chose to lve. ”

  Jerry contnued, “The nurses kept tellng me was gong to be fne. But when they wheeled me nto the emergency room and the expressons on the faces of the doctors and nurses scared me. n ther eyes, read,‘He’s a dead man. ‘ knew needed to take acton.”

  “What dd you do?” asked.

  “Well, a nurse asked f was allergc to anythng,” sad Jerry, ‘Yes,’ repled. The doctors and nurses were watng for my re*... took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Bullets!’ Over ther laughter, told them, ‘ am choosng to lve. Operate on me as f am alve, not dead.“Jerry lved thanks to the skll of hs doctors, but also because of hs amazng atttude. learned from hm that every day we have the choce to lve postvely.

高中晨读英语美文Up to You2

  The first day of school our professor introduced a little old lady to us.

  "Why are you in college at such a young age?" I asked later. She jokingly replied, " I"m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel."

  "No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I"m getting one!" she told me.

  We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we wouldleave class together and tolk nonstop. I was always listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.

  At the end of the semester we invited Rose to make a speech to our football team. I"ll never forget what she taught us. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her note card on the floor. A little embarrassed she sim* said, "I"m sorry. This whiskey is killing me! I"ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know." As we laughed she cleared her throat and began:" We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You"ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don"t even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don"t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. Anybody can grow older. That doesn"t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change.

  Have no regrets. The elderly usually don"t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.The only people who fear death are those with regrets."

  At the year"s end Rose finished the college degree. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral to honor the wonderful woman who taught by example that it"s never too late to be all you can possibly be.

高中晨读英语美文Up to You3

  Jerry was the kind of guy who was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say.

  One day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don’t get it! You can’t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood. "

  "Yeah, right, it’s not that easy," I protested.

  "Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. It’s your choice how you live life."

  I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I changed my job. We lost touch.Several years later, I heard that Jerry was robbed and was shot. I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "I feel really good.”

  I asked him what had gone through his mind when he was taken to the hospital.

  Jerry replied, “The first thing came to my mind was that I should have closed the back door. Then I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live. ”

  Jerry continued, "The nurses kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses scared me. In their eyes, I read,‘He’s a dead man. ‘I knew I needed to take action."

  "What did you do?" I asked.

  "Well, a nurse asked if I was allergic to anything," said Jerry, ‘Yes,’ I replied. The doctors and nurses were waiting for my re*... I took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Bullets!’ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live positively.

高中晨读英语美文Up to You4

  Jerry was the knd of guy who was always n a good mood and always had somethng postve to say.

  One day went up to Jerry and asked hm, “ don’t get t! You can’t be a postve person all of the tme. How do you do t?” Jerry repled, “Each mornng wake up and say to myself, ‘Jerry, you have two choces today. You can choose to be n a good mood or you can choose to be n a bad mood.’ choose to be n a good mood. “

  “Yeah, rght, t’s not that easy,” protested.

  “Yes t s,” Jerry sad. “Lfe s all about choces. You choose how you react to stuatons. You choose how people wll affect your mood. You choose to be n a good mood or bad mood. t’s your choce how you lve lfe.”

  reflected on what Jerry sad. Soon thereafter, changed my job. We lost touch.Several years later, heard that Jerry was robbed and was shot. saw Jerry about sx months after the accdent. When asked hm how he was, he repled, “ feel really good.”

  asked hm what had gone through hs mnd when he was taken to the hosptal.

  Jerry repled, “The frst thng came to my mnd was that should have closed the back door. Then remembered that had two choces: could choose to lve, or could choose to de. chose to lve. ”

  Jerry contnued, “The nurses kept tellng me was gong to be fne. But when they wheeled me nto the emergency room and the expressons on the faces of the doctors and nurses scared me. n ther eyes, read,‘He’s a dead man. ‘ knew needed to take acton.”

  “What dd you do?” asked.

  “Well, a nurse asked f was allergc to anythng,” sad Jerry, ‘Yes,’ repled. The doctors and nurses were watng for my re*... took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Bullets!’ Over ther laughter, told them, ‘ am choosng to lve. Operate on me as f am alve, not dead.“Jerry lved thanks to the skll of hs doctors, but also because of hs amazng atttude. learned from hm that every day we have the choce to lve postvely.

高中晨读英语美文Up to You5

  One day a farmer"s donkey fell into an abandoned well.The animal cried piteouslyfor hours as the farmer tried to figured out what to do.Finally,he decided the animal was too old and the well needed to covered up anyway;so it just was"t worth it to him to try to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.Realizing what was happening,the donkey at first cried and wailed horribly. Then,a few shovel-fullslater,hequiteted down completely.The farmer peered down into the well,and was astounded by what he saw.With every shovel-full of dirt that hit his back,the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt. As the farmer"s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,he would shake it off and take a step up.Prettysoon,the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off,to the shock and astonishment of everyone. Life is going to shovel dirt on you,all kinds of dirt.The trick to getting out of the well is to stop wailing,and not let the dirt bury you,but to shake it off and take a step up.Each one of our troubles is a stepping-stone.We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stoping,never giving up!Shake it off and take a step up.2. The Farmer"s Donkey

  One day a farmer"s donkey fell into an abandoned well.The animal cried piteouslyfor hours as the farmer tried to figured out what to do.Finally,he decided the animal was too old and the well needed to covered up anyway;so it just was"t worth it to him to try to retrieve the donkey.

  He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.Realizing what was happening,the donkey at first cried and wailed horribly.

  Then,a few shovel-fullslater,hequiteted down completely.The farmer peered down into the well,and was astounded by what he saw.With every shovel-full of dirt that hit his back,the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt.

  As the farmer"s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,he would shake it off and take a step up.Prettysoon,the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off,to the shock and astonishment of everyone.

  Life is going to shovel dirt on you,all kinds of dirt.The trick to getting out of the well is to stop wailing,and not let the dirt bury you,but to shake it off and take a step up.Each one of our troubles is a stepping-stone.We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stoping,never giving up!Shake it off and take a step up.

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