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时间:2023-02-24 20:06:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

初二英语试卷及参考答案1  听力部分(20分)  I.听句子,根据所听内容补全下面的句子。句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)  1.Theboywillkeepa______athome.  2.T下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度初二英语试卷及参考答案3篇,供大家参考。




  I. 听句子,根据所听内容补全下面的句子。句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

  1. The boy will keep a ______ at home.

  2. The girl thinks many people will fly to the _______ in 200 years.

  3. The boy usually plays _______ on Friday afternoons.

  4. The girl will buy the ________ for Kitty tomorrow.

  5. The boy’s brother wants to be a _________ in the future.

  II. 听对话和问题,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

  6. A. They will be shorter.

  B. They will be much taller.

  C. They will be fewer and fewer.

  7. A. She is an engineer.

  B. She is an actor.

  C. She is a waiter.

  8. A. He failed his English exam. B. He failed his Chinese exam.

  C. He failed his math exam.

  9. A. No. B. OK. C. Sorry.

  10. A. Long B. Short C. We don’t know.

  III. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)


  11. What does Lily think people will be like in the future?

  A. She thinks people will be much fatter.

  B. She thinks people will be much thinner.

  C. She thinks people will be much healthier.

  12. Does the boy have the same idea as Lily?

  A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know.


  13. Why does Helen look unhappy?

  A. Because she argued with her mother.

  B. Because she argued with her father.

  C. Because she argued with her sister.

  14. What clothes did Helen want to buy?

  A. Li Ning’s clothes B. Nike’s clothes. C. Adidas’ clothes

  15. How are the clothes in the shop that Peter advises?

  A. Good but expensive. B. Cheap but bad.

  C. Nice and cheap.

  IV. 听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文读三遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

  16. What does Dale do?

  A. He is a worker. B. He is a high school student.

  C. He is a high school teacher.

  17. Where does Dale live on weekdays?

  A. He lives at home. B. He lives in his classmate’s home.

  C. He lives in the school.

  18. What does Dale often do after school?

  A. He often plays football with his friends.

  B. He often plays basketball with his classmates.

  C. He often plays tennis with his classmates.

  19. What did Dale’s teacher tell him and his classmates to do after school?

  A. He told them to study in the classroom.

  B. He told them not to play in the school.

  C. He told them to go home quickly.

  20. Does Dale like doing what his teacher told him?

  A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know.





  1. I need to look smart for my job i______.

  2. Com*rs, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed i______ a hundred years ago.

  3. I think I’ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don’t like living a______.

  4. Mothers are c______ of high prices of food.

  5. Our subjects in school i______ Chinese, math, English, science and so on.

  6. Parents and teachers should give students f______.

  7. The watch is too expensive; he doesn’t have e______ money to buy.

  8. The plane l______ on the airport safely at last.

  9. My mother is busy in the k______ to make cakes.

  10. What were you doing when the bell r______?


  keep out, take place, out of style, get out of, argue with, work together, are able to, dress, find out, get on with

  1. Will you ______ come to me tomorrow?

  2. She ______ her daughter and took her to the kindergarten(幼儿园).

  3. After ______ for many years, they fell in love with each other.

  4. Please ______ when the train leaves.

  5. Take this. It should at least ______ the rain ______.

  6. How are you ______ your work?

  7. Don’t ______ the taxi until it has stopped.

  8. The Olympic Games in 2012 ______ in London.

  9. Few people like clothes ______.

  10. I had an ______ my best friend.


  1. There ______ a football match on TV this afternoon.

  A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play

  2. If you want to be thinner, you have to eat ______ food and do ______ exercise.

  A. little; many B. much; few C. fewer; more D. less; more

  3. ---The TV show The Eldest’s Happiness is so wonderful. You shouldn’t miss it.

  ---If I have time, I ______ it.

  A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen

  4. We go to school every day ______ Saturday and Sunday. We can have a good rest on weekends.

  A. besides B. beside C. except D. accept

  5. We have to ______ a uniform to school.

  A. put on B. wear C. have D. be

  6. He ran ______ quickly ______ some of the students couldn’t catch up with him.

  A. too; that B. such; that C. so; that D. enough; that

  7. It’s careless(粗心) ______ the same mistake again in your composition(作文).

  A. for you to make B. for you making C. of you to make D. of you making

  8. The TV program was very ______ and we all got ______.

  A. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring D. boring; bored

  9. ---How many people came to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?

  ---It’s hard to say. ______ people, I think.

  A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two million of D. Two millions

  10. ---Bob, may I ______ your MP4?

  ---Sure. But you’d better not ______ it to others.

  A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend

  11. I ______ 18 yuan for the mouse in the supermarket.

  A. paid B. bought C. cost D. spent

  12. The teachers should have much free time ______.

  A. relax B. to relax C. relaxing D. relaxed

  13. We should read ______ English ______.

  A. everyday, everyday B. every day, every day C. every day, everyday D. everyday, every day

  14. ---When did your uncle ______ in Shanghai?

  ---The day before yesterday.

  A. arrive B. get C. reach D. arrived

  15. When my teacher came to my home, my family ______ dinner.

  A. was having B. were having C. is having D. are having

  Ⅲ. 句型转换(5分)

  1. Mr. Smith will come back in three days. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ ______ Mr. Smith come back?

  2. What’s wrong with Mike? (同义句转换)

  What’s ______ ______ with Mike?

  3. Mary did her homework last night. (用at nine o’clock改写)

  Mary ______ ______ her homework at nine o’clock last night.

  4. She didn’t go to bed until she finished the work. (同义句转换)

  She ______ ______ bed ______ she finished the work.

  Ⅳ. 交际运用(15分)

  ( A )从方框中选择适当的句子填空,使对话完整,正确。其中有两项是多余的。(5分)

  Jack: What’s wrong, Bill? You are not looking happy.

  Bill: I feel a little worried about my English.

  Jack: ___1___

  Bill: I’m not studying English well.

  Jack: Why not?

  Bill: Well, I seldom(很少) have a chance(机会) to meet English people.

  Jack: ___2___

  Bill: Where should I go?

  Jack: ___3___

  Bill: But---it seems English people never speak to me.

  Jack: Ah! ___4___

  Bill: ___5___

  Jack: The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.

  A. You should go to an English corner.

  B. What can I talk about?

  C. You should learn English well.

  D. What’s the problem?

  E. You should speak first.

  F. What can I do for you?

  G. You should go out more.

  ( B )填入适当的词,补全对话,每空一词。(10分)

  Boy: What a d___1___ I had!

  Girl: Tell me what happened, John.

  Boy: Well, while I was w___2___ to school, I saw a cat i___3___ a tree. It was really scared.

  Girl: What did you do?

  Boy: I climbed up the tree.

  Girl: And you g___4___ the cat?

  Boy: No, while I was climbing the tree, a man saw me. It was his tree and he s___5___ at me. So I stopped climbing.

  Girl: What a___6___ the cat?

  Boy: It wanted to jump down. But it was too scared.

  Girl: Then what happened?

  Boy: Then the man called the police. And while he was calling the police, a woman called the newspaper.

  Girl: What did you do?

  Boy: I jumped down f___7___ the tree. And then the cat jumped down, too.

  Girl: That’s good.

  Boy: And then the police officer and the newspaper reporter arrived. The police officer said, “Good boy!” And the newspaper reporter took a photo to p___8___ in the newspaper.

  Girl: That’s great!

  Boy: Yes, but while he was taking the photo, the cat went up the tree a___9___.

  Girl: What did you do?

  Boy: What do you t___10___?



  A kind of little cars may be seen in the streets in the future. People will like this kind of small cars 1 than the big ones. The car is as small as a bike but it can 2 two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily, just like 3 a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.

  If 4 drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution. There will be more space for cars in cities, and there will 5 be more space for people to walk. The little cars of the future will cost less money 6 and to drive. These little cars go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will 7 safer. The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be 8 for a long trip.

  This 9 of cars can save a lot of gas. They will go 450 kilometers, then they have to stop for more gas. They are nice cars, 10 they?

  Ⅵ. 阅读理解(15分)


  Fight with pollution

  Hundreds of years ago, life was harder than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.

  Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution to all living things in the world.

  Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt (被状物) over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾).

  Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustn’t let dirty smoke go into the air.

  We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and do not throw them on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.

  Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution.


  1. Why was life hundreds of years ago harder than it is today?

  A. Because there were no machines.

  B. Because there was no modern medicine.

  C. Because there were not many people.

  D. Because there were no cars.

  2. What has made our rivers and lakes dirty?

  A. Air pollution B. Water pollution

  C. Noise pollution D. All of the above

  3. What’s the most serious pollution to all living things?

  A. Air pollution B. Water pollution

  C. Noise pollution D. All of the above

  4. From the passage, we know that _______.

  A. a few years ago, there was no smog at all

  B. today people don’t have to talk to each other loudly

  C. we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakes

  D. people are making rules in order to (为了) fight pollution

  5. In order to fight pollution, what should we do?

  a. We should put waste things in the dustbin.

  b. We should talk quietly with each other.

  c. We should go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car.

  d. We shouldn’t use cars.

  e. We should stop pouring waste water into the river.

  A. a , b , d B. b , c , d C. a , d , e D. a , c , e


  Scientists think that most animals can’t see colors. The world is black and white to them.

  To find out if dogs could see colors, scientists gave some dogs food every time they played a certain piece of music. The dogs got ready to eat only when they heard this piece of music. They did not get ready to eat when they heard other pieces of music.

  Then the scientists gave the dogs food every time they showed them a certain color. The dogs got ready to eat when they saw this color. The scientists then showed the dogs another color. Again the dogs got ready to eat. The colors were all the same to them.

  Colors are not all the same to the monkeys, however, for example, if we put food in a red box and do this every day, a monkey will always go to the red box to get the food. If we then put the food in a blue box, the monkey won’t go to it.


  ( ) 1.Not all animals can see colors.

  ( ) 2.The world is very colorful to dogs.

  ( ) 3.Dogs can tell differences between different pieces of music.

  ( ) 4.Monkeys don’t like the food in the blue box.

  ( ) 5.Scientists found that monkeys are cleverer than dogs in the article.


  If you plan it well, camping can be a great outdoor activity. Read on to learn how to make a good plan.

  First, decide where to go. There are campgrounds all over the country , but before you go to one , find out about its weather and surroundings(环境).

  Take a map of the area so you can find your way around. You’re sure to need it at some places, and it will make things a lot easier.

  Make a list of things you need to bring. Check off the things on your list, and make sure you don’t forget anything.

  Decide where to sleep. You can camp in a tent (帐篷)or sleep in a nearby hotel .

  Bring a cell phone. This is especially important if you plan to camp by yourself.

  Put your food away. Remember to keep food locked away while you’re camping. It can be dangerous if a wild animal comes to eat it.


  1. What should you do first if you want to make a good camping plan?


  2. What will make camping a lot easier?


  3. Is it necessary to make a list of things you need to bring?


  4. Where can you sleep when camping?


  5. Why should you keep your food locked away?


  Ⅶ. 书面表达(15分)


  In the future, life will be much nicer. People will have 1 at home. They can 2 people with housework. People won’t use money anymore, because everything will be 3 .Kids can study at home 4 com*rs. There will be 5 pollution in the future, because people will drive “green” cars. People will enjoy their life more.

  (B)阅读Sandy 的求助来信,对她提出的问题给她回信,提出你的好建议。70词以上。(10分)

  I really don’t understand my feelings(情感). The problem is that they change all the time. One day I am angry and upset about something. The next day I feel fine. Some days I want to be with my friends, but other days I don’t want to see anybody. Are these feelings OK, or should I see a doctor?

  Also, I worry a lot about how to look. I don’t think I look very nice. I don’t know how to dress. I want to buy some trendy(时髦的) clothes, but I don’t have much money and I don’t know where to shop. Can you give me some advice?

  Dear Sandy,

  There are lots of things you could do. First,________________________________________




  I. Write the proper spelling according to the given definition and the first letter.(5分)

  1. d _ _ _ _ n. story written for people to act; play

  2. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. cultivating of gardening

  3. b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. a game like tennis but played with a shuttlecock(=small feathered object) instead of a ball

  4. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adv.(= in fact) spoken used when you are giving an opinion or adding new information to what you have just said

  5. q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. list of questions to find out what people think about a certain subject

  6. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. making pictures in your mind

  7. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. a piece of writing or speech that says what someone or something is like

  8. c _ _ _ _ n. an area that has been specially made for playing games such as tennis on

  9. t _ _ _ _ n. special road for races

  10. r _ _ _ _ _ v. say or do something again

  II. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.(5分)

  1. My brother likes making videos _______ his camera.

  2. More and more people do aerobics _______ their spare time.

  3. I don’t know Mr. Wang. Describe him _______ me.

  4. “That’s all _______ today.” she said.

  5. ________ fact, he can swim very well.

  6. Jim often takes the stamps _______ envelopes and puts them in his book.

  7. _______ Rosie’s birthday party, we danced and sang happily.

  8. Look! They are playing squash _______ the squash court.

  9. The cafe is open all day _______ snacks and various drinks.

  10. Everybody, come on! Dance _______ the music.

推荐访问:英语 参考答案 试卷 初二英语试卷及参考答案3篇 初二英语试卷及参考答案1 初二英语试卷题及答案详解 初二英语考试试卷和答案 初二英语模拟试卷及答案

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