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时间:2023-02-24 20:42:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

bestrongin表达的中文解释是什么1  英[bi:strɒŋin] 美[bistrɔŋɪn]  bestrongin基本解释  健;擅长bestrongin表达的中文解释是什么2  1.Im下面是小编为大家整理的2023be,strong,in表达中文解释是什么3篇(范例推荐),供大家参考。


be strong in表达的中文解释是什么1

  英 [bi: strɒŋ in] 美 [bi strɔŋ ɪn]

  be strong in 基本解释

  健; 擅长

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么2

  1. " I must be strong and carry on because I would never let him down, " he says in My Life as a Private Detective.

  2. But some *ysts have cautioned that not too much should be read into the strong numbers as the comparable base in 2008 was much lower.

  3. A strong mind and consistency will be the core focus for Drinkhall as he looks to improve in the coming 12 months.

  4. Without constant development, there will not be a strong social security system to guarantee pensions in old age.

  5. His optimism could be built on the bank"s strong performance in 2004.

  6. The team will count on strong support in Malaysia, where a sizeable ethnic Chinese community will be optimistic that the slump cannot last forever.

  7. In the absence of a strong commercial motive, there have been suggestions that a cult may be responsible for the crimes.

  8. The company projected telecommunications customer demand to remain strong this year, although there will be more intense competition in the domestic market.

  9. It should be thick and strong for a kite of large dimensions in order to stand the wind pressure.

  10. Labor unions tend to be strong in Peru and have proved aggressive in using strikes and similar tactics to press their demands on companies.

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇扩展阅读

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展1)

——go on的中文解释是什么3篇

go on的中文解释是什么1


go on的中文解释是什么2



  come to pass

  What is happening?

  The meeting took place off without an incidence

  Nothing occurred that seemed important


  happen hap pass off occur pass fall out come about take place


  continue talking

  I know it"s hard," he continued, "but there is no choice

  carry on--pretend we are not in the room


  continue carry on proceed


  start running, functioning, or operating

  the lights went on

  the com*r came up


  come up come on


  move forward, also in the metaphorical sense

  Time marches on


  advance progress pass on move on march on


  continue a certain state, condition, or activity

  Keep on working!

  We continued to work into the night

  Keep smiling

  We went on working until well past midnight


  continue proceed go along keep

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展2)

——stand back的中文解释是什么3篇

stand back的中文解释是什么1

  英 [stænd bæk] 美 [stænd bæk]

  stand back 基本解释


  stand back 相关例句


  1. The policeman asked the spectators to stand back.


  2. Mary ran the family and her husband stood back.


stand back的中文解释是什么2

  1. If I was lying on my back reading, she would come and stand on my chest.

  2. She told her son to stand up for himself and fight back if he were ever bullied by other people.

  3. They both spoke of how Muslims must stand up to fight back against the West.

  4. Li"s next appointment with Ke Mei will involve using a whistle to call it back and a training bar to let it stand up.

  5. The room was packed, with many viewers forced to stand in the back because all seats were taken.

  6. Participants were required to stand in fixed positions and place their hands behind their back while kissing.

  7. Some people back home stand to gain too because of the rising yuan.

  8. Israeli intelligence agents kidnapped him in Rome and brought him back to Israel to stand trial.

  9. So he straggled back to the top step of the stand, the spot he knows so well.

  10. We stand ready at all times to pay any enemy back in his own coin.

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展3)

——be strong in表达的中文解释是什么 (菁选2篇)

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么1

  英 [bi: strɒŋ in] 美 [bi strɔŋ ɪn]

  be strong in 基本解释

  健; 擅长

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么2

  1. " I must be strong and carry on because I would never let him down, " he says in My Life as a Private Detective.

  2. But some *ysts have cautioned that not too much should be read into the strong numbers as the comparable base in 2008 was much lower.

  3. A strong mind and consistency will be the core focus for Drinkhall as he looks to improve in the coming 12 months.

  4. Without constant development, there will not be a strong social security system to guarantee pensions in old age.

  5. His optimism could be built on the bank"s strong performance in 2004.

  6. The team will count on strong support in Malaysia, where a sizeable ethnic Chinese community will be optimistic that the slump cannot last forever.

  7. In the absence of a strong commercial motive, there have been suggestions that a cult may be responsible for the crimes.

  8. The company projected telecommunications customer demand to remain strong this year, although there will be more intense competition in the domestic market.

  9. It should be thick and strong for a kite of large dimensions in order to stand the wind pressure.

  10. Labor unions tend to be strong in Peru and have proved aggressive in using strikes and similar tactics to press their demands on companies.

be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展4)



  1. 长的:-f 和-l选项会报告长的(long),或完全的(full)包含其他的细节的`列表. UNIX系统提供一个nohup命令来使命令不被挂起. nohup命令是一组特殊unix命令的一个,这组命令被称为 prefix command(前缀命令),这个命令在其他命令之前使用.

  2. long:longitudinal; 经度的

  3. long:longitude; 经度;经线

  英 [lɒŋ] 美 [lɔ:ŋ]




  B:How (far/ close/ long of a trip) is it?


  A:It’s about 10 miles.



  A:I’ve finished it all.


  B:It’s been a long day.


  A:It’s dark outside already.


  B:It’s time to go home.


  A:Let’s go home!



  A:It looks like we’re in for a long (drive/ trip/ journey).


  B:Ah, well, put on the news.


be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展5)



  英 [ˈaɪtəm] 美 [ˈaɪtəm]

  名词 项目; 条,条款; 一则; 一件商品(或物品)

  副词 又,同上


  1. 款:支持可扩展标记语言(XML)的输入和输出:可以阅读和写入到可扩展标记语言数据. 列表区:列表区在标题区下端. 包含了所有条款(item)的列表信息(例如,雇员、资源等信息). 列表区可包含32,000个条款和100列.

  2. 产品:从2008年4月1日开始,BV正式开展孟加拉国装船前检验业务,由于孟加拉国合约的特殊性,除一般的装船前检验程序外,检验员还要注意对每个产品的数量、产品的质量要求进行百分百检验,并对每个产品(ITEM)进行现场称重,特别需要注意至少2%的外包装上必须印有进口商的名字,

  3. 图标:我想在程序运行的时候让ListView里面的.图标(Item)能够自由拖动排列,怎么写啊?就像windows文件夹里的图标一样


  1. (系列物品或清单中的)一件

  An item is one of a collection or list of objects.

  e.g. The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing...


  e.g. The menu includes the occasional off-beat item.


  2. 项目;条目;条款

  An item is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about.

  e.g. The other item on the agenda is the tour.


  3. 一篇报道(或文章);(新闻等的)一条,一则

  An item is a report or article in a newspaper or magazine, or on television or radio.

  e.g. There was an item in the paper about him.


  4. (关系亲密的)一对

  If you say that two people are an item, you mean that they are having a romantic or sexual relationship.

  e.g. She and Gino were an item.


be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展6)

——短语go out的中文解释是什么 (菁选2篇)

短语go out的中文解释是什么1

  英 [ɡu aut] 美 [ɡo at]

  go out 基本解释

  外出; 出国; 熄灭; 出版

  go out 情景对话


  A:Will you go out with me this Saturday?


  B:Sorry. I"m having a headache this weekend.


短语go out的中文解释是什么2

  1. 外出交际;外出娱乐

  If you go out, you leave your home in order to do something enjoyable, for example to go to a party, a bar, or the cinema.

  e.g. I"m going out tonight.


  e.g. It will be a marvellous occasion and they should go out and enjoy it.


  2. 与(异性)交往;与…谈恋爱(或有性关系)

  If you go out with someone, the two of you spend time together socially, and have a romantic or sexual relationship.

  e.g. I once went out with a French man...


  e.g. They"ve only been going out for six weeks.


  3. 刻意;故意

  If you go out to do something, you make a deliberate effort to do it.

  e.g. You do not go out to injure opponents...


  4. (灯)熄灭

  If a light goes out, it stops shining.

  e.g. The bedroom light went out after a moment.


  短语go out的中文解释是什么3

  1. The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world.


  2. Initially if you are unable to throw up, then the salt water will go out of the body in the form of diarrhea.


  3. The measure strength that financial crisis answers in the center of is very great, but arrived below can is go out of form out of shape?


  4. These discharges go out in the form of waves.


  5. I had to go for the skinny version, which was one of my frist ideas- but I guess it turned out well enough.


be strong in表达的中文解释是什么3篇(扩展7)

——英文duty表达的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [ˈdju:ti] 美 [ˈdu:ti]

  名词 义务; 职责,责任; 职责或工作; 税收


  1. The children send their duty to their teachers.


  2. It is our duty to defend our country.


  3. Customs duties are paid on imported goods.


  4. One of my duties is to file the letters.


  5. His sense of duty is very strong.



  1. 职务;义务

  Duty is work that you have to do for your job.

  e.g. Staff must report for duty at their normal place of work...


  e.g. My duty is to look after the animals.


  2. 职责;任务;本职工作

  Your duties are tasks which you have to do because they are part of your job.

  e.g. I carried out my duties conscientiously...


  e.g. He was relieved of his duties as presidential adviser.


  3. 责任;本分

  If you say that something is your duty, you believe that you ought to do it because it is your responsibility.

  e.g. I consider it my duty to write to you and thank you.


  4. 税

  Duties are taxes which you pay to the government on goods that you buy.

  e.g. Import duties still average 30%.

  进口税的*均水*仍然在 30%。

  e.g. ...customs duties...


  5. 下班/上班;不值班/值班

  If someone such as a policeman or a nurse is off duty, they are not working. If someone is on duty, they are working.

  e.g. I"m off duty...


  e.g. Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home...



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