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时间:2023-02-28 16:54:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2020年公共英语四级翻译模拟训练,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!

  Consultation n. 请教, 咨询, 商议

  E.g. The doctors held a consultation to decide whether an operation was necessary.


  diffuse v.使分散

  to diffuse learning/knowledge/light/heat传播学问/知识/光/热量

  logistics n.后勤

  E.g. Logistics is crucial for a war.


  Feline n. cat 猫科动物

  E.g. He walked quite like a feline to his brother’s room.

  Rationalize v.

  To rationalize the management system


  Foster v.

  foster a child 抚养孩子–foster parents养父母 无法律约束

  adopt a child领养孩子—adoptive parents养父母具有法律意义


  22.monoply n.垄断,独占

  E.g. In many countries, tobacco is a government monopoly.


  monopolize v.垄断,独占

  E.g. Don’t let me monopolize the conversation.


  preferential treatment 优惠待遇

  most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇

  prefer A to B 更喜欢A

  e.g. I prefer black tea to green tea. 我喜欢红茶胜过绿茶.

  prefer doing A to doing B

  e.g. I prefer walking to cycling. 我宁愿走路也不骑车.

  prefer to do宁愿

  e.g. I should prefer to waiting him here until evening. 我宁愿在这里等到天黑.

  prefer to do A rather than do B

  e.g. I prefer to go out with you rather than stay at home.我愿意和你出去不想呆在家里.

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