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时间:2023-02-28 17:00:04 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest. 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2020年下半年公共英语五级压轴预测试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业考试网!

  "The headmaster wants you in his office." The 1 boy to whom a friend says one of these things gets to 2 about and suddenly everyone around 3 and shouts, "April Fool!" 4 this is April 1, or All fools' Day. In Britain and in some other countries, it is 5 to play tricks on people on that day. Children are 6 to play harmless jokes on their friends until twelve o'clock at night. Usually they 7 to trick other children child的复数形式 into 8 foolish things. It is not only children 9 like such jokes. Grown-ups also enjoy tricking others. Even newspapers and radios 10 try to fool the 11 with a clever April Fools' story 故事,新闻报道.

  Some time ago, for example, a very 12 BBC TV program did a ten-minute 13 about spaghetti 实心面条 trees in Italy 意大利. The reporter 记者 said that 14 the recent bad weather, trees weren't 15 as much spaghetti as they 16 did. He said the 17 of spaghetti would 18. A lot of TV viewers who didn't know what spaghetti is made of actually 19 the story. Some housewives hurried to buy 20 food that was going to become in short supply.

  1.clever      poor       good       excited

  2.frighten     consider     fear       worry

  3.jumps       speaks      laughs      quarrels

  4.For        As        Such        So

  5.easy  common  comfortable  moral 道德上的,道德,寓意

  6.forbidden     let        made       permitted

  7.imagine      manage      try        order

  8.having      doing       taking      making

  9.whatever     however      that       those

  10.in time      at times     all the time   for a time

  11.public      readers      listeners     children

  12.curious      famous      popular      serious

  13.report      announcement   show       news

  14.about       with       to        for

  15.collecting    planting     producing     gathering

  16.normally     possibly     seldom      before

  17.price       quantity     quality      taste

  18.come over     go off      come down     go up

  19.realized     believed     accepted     understood

  20.a         /         the        all



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