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时间:2023-03-01 12:18:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

爱的谎言英语作文1  Orhavethekindofperson,histhoughtsarealwayssincere,hiscareisalwaystrue,andhislove,isalway下面是小编为大家整理的2023年爱谎言英语作文【完整版】,供大家参考。



  Or have the kind of person, his thoughts are always sincere, his care is always true, and his love, is always short. Or because we are lonely in the world, so together with the beautiful lie.

  In your shadow I advance and retreat, love open shallow wings with a desire to lure expansion in the moonlight. Don"t know tomorrow night, will is broad, the moonlight tonight as the still in the clouds.

  It suddenly occurred to me that: beautiful world a lot of things, not only perfect ending intense, dim and regret also incomplete worked so beautiful delicate without Aaron. Just like the moonlight in the laughter and tears, and laughter, fleeting, and the tears is always cold at the bottom of my heart is very precious.

  So pain, don"t want anyone to comfort, ache thorough heart tears from bone let love become blurred, the end of this pretty colourful and who can compare!

  And I saw a dream gradually in broken promises.

  I put looked at himself in the shadow of the earth become messy, pass in place only traces of the sad, but still smile and say to you: I will never believe and remember your every word. ZWH children in China resources network

  Or know love is just lonely lie, but it is not because of is a lie, is more beautiful because of lonesome and quiet.

  Through a beautiful day, at least at least have you sincere and gentle. So, long and long, the sea dry rotten with stone, the more is vulnerable to a mirage, busy dying after is the boundless boundless desert.

  Even so, I still indulge in you, or on a piece of very beautiful flowers, I fell asleep, with the naive and eternal.










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