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时间:2023-03-09 11:24:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

感恩节英语作文800字1  Atnight,thestarsglitteringinthedeepsky,andintheroom,Ilookedattheflashingpicturesofthe下面是小编为大家整理的感恩节英语作文800字,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  At night, the stars glittering in the deep sky, and in the room, I looked at the flashing pictures of the TV. The ear is surrounded by a familiar melody: "the heart of gratitude, thanks to the fate..."

  Those full of confidence to the life of the deaf TV, with their hands and sing the rhythm out of the beautiful curve in the glittering stage, in the silent world, the interpretation of the true meaning of Thanksgiving, the interpretation for the fate, to the world, for all the thanksgiving. These deaf mutes" life stage is incomplete, but they can still draw the grateful heart on the chest with their hands that are full of life, and still can face their lives with a sincere smile, and thank them for their lives. And what we got was a sound body, and I was confused about the question of "what to be grateful".

  In the mind, the disorderly thoughts are hidden with the trace of transparency, and the feelings of gratitude are precipitated. The emotion of the wind is the trace of transparency on a layer of memory, such as the cherry blossoms swaying like a pilgrimage.

  Fate is fair, just as "when fate closes a window for you, he is opening the other door for you." Everyone has the same happiness. But they often ignore their happiness, and exaggerate the happiness of others. Since birth, fate has given us the biggest life chip -- survival, and everything is fate. As a matter of fact, we have come to the world naked, nothing. However, the fate of our hard-earned design blueprint of life, we should not only life, work hard? Shouldn"t we be thankful for fate?

  Thanks to the world there is a memory of the film, carrying our life silently is folded in our life in the film but the Qie box, the total figure in my life in the twinkling stars...... Life is parents give us the most love and most do not care about the return of the people; friends in life to share happiness with you, share the sorrow of the people; the stranger is in the life the most easily pass, but affect your every twinkle and smile very heavy people. They are the most selfless, the most sincere, the most simple love together into a great power, covering our hearts, care of it, peaceful and harmonious... The world has built a protective wall of love for us with love and protected us. Should we cherish ourselves better and improve ourselves? Shouldn"t we be thankful for the world?


  In 1621, the British people who came to Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the "May flower" ship, celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time. The sixty men who crossed the hard winter invited the leaders of the local Indians (they negotiated and signed an agreement with him) to share the fruit of the harvest. To their surprise, the Indian leaders brought in ninety although trim but hungry Indian warrior! Obviously, the food they prepared was not enough. The Indians soon came back to bring the deer and other foods. This feast from Turkey, wild geese, wild duck, lobster, popcorn, clam meat, Cream Polenta Cake, plum, fruit and Apple Juice which lasted three days.

  Since 1863, Abraham Lincoln will be declared a national Thanksgiving Day, most Americans celebrate this holiday. On this day, the whole family gathered to celebrate the kindness and grace of God in the past year. Americans and Canadians (the second Monday in October) celebrate Thanksgiving Day with roasted turkeys, ducks and geese with good seasoning. People away from home are invited as guests. People also send food for those who are unfortunate. Some local authorities, schools and churches first collect food and put them in a food basket and distribute it to the poor. Some shopkeepers also send turkeys to employees and some old customers.

  The sixty men who crossed the hard winter invited the leaders of the local Indians (they negotiated and signed an agreement with him) to share the fruit of the harvest. To their surprise, the Indian leaders brought in ninety although trim but hungry Indian warrior! Obviously, the food they prepared was not enough. The Indians soon came back to bring the deer and other foods. This feast from Turkey, wild geese, wild duck, lobster, popcorn, clam meat, Cream Polenta Cake, plum, fruit and Apple Juice which lasted three days.

  Since 1863, Abraham Lincoln will be declared a national Thanksgiving Day, most Americans celebrate this holiday. On this day, the whole family gathered to celebrate the kindness and grace of God in the past year. Americans and Canadians (the second Monday in October) celebrate Thanksgiving Day with roasted turkeys, ducks and geese with good seasoning. People away from home are invited as guests. People also send food for those who are unfortunate. Some local authorities, schools and churches first collect food and put them in a food basket and distribute it to the poor. Some shopkeepers also send turkeys to employees and some old customers.

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