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时间:2023-03-10 14:12:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

教师节英语诗歌1  WonderfulTeacher  Withaspecialgiftforlearning  Andwithaheartthatdee*cares,  Youaddalotofl下面是小编为大家整理的教师节英语诗歌,菁选2篇【精选推荐】,供大家参考。



  Wonderful Teacher

  With a special gift for learning

  And with a heart that dee* cares,

  You add a lot of love

  To everything you share,

  And even though

  You mean a lot,

  You"ll never know how much,

  For you helped

  To change the world

  Through every life you touched.

  You sparked the creativity

  In the students whom you taught,

  And helped them strive for goals

  That could not be bought,

  You are such a special teacher

  That no words can truly tell

  However much you"re valued

  For the work you do so well.

  --Author Unknown


  Teachers Prayer

  By James J. Metcalf

  I want to teach my students how--

  To live this life on earth,

  To face its struggles and its strife

  And to improve their worth.

  Not just the lesson in a book,

  Or how the rivers flow,

  But to choose the proper path,

  Wherever they may go.

  To understand eternal truth,

  And know right from wrong,

  And gather all the beauty of

  A flower and a song,

  For if I help the world to grow

  In wisdom and grace,

  Then I feel that I have won

  And I have filled my place.

  And so I ask your guidance, God

  That I may do my part,

  For character and confidence

  And happiness of heart.

推荐访问:教师节 英语 诗歌 教师节英语诗歌 菁选2篇 教师节英语诗歌1 教师节英语诗歌100字

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