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时间:2023-07-10 16:36:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



托福试题 第1篇

The principal difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North American colonies was the slow evolution of cities in the former and their rapid growth in the In Europe they grew over a period of centuries from town economies to their present urban In North America, they started as wilderness communities and developed to mature urbanism in little more than a

In the early colonial days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic Coastline, mostly in what are now New England and Middle Atlantic states in the United States and in the lower Saint Lawrence valley in This was natural because these areas were nearest to England and France, particularly England, from which most capital goods (assets such as equipment) and many consumer goods were Merchandising establishments were, accordingly, advantageously located in port cities from which goods could be readily distributed to interior Here, too, were the favored locations for processing raw materials prior to Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, and other cities flourished, and, as the colonies grew, these cities increased in

This was less true in the colonial South, where life centered around large farms, known as plantations, rather than around towns, as was the case in the areas further north along the Atlantic The local isolation and the economic self-sufficiency of the plantations were antagonistic to the development of the The plantations maintained their independence because they were located on navigable streams and each had a wharf accessible to the small shipping of that In fact, one of the strongest factors in the selection of plantation land was the desire to have its front on a water

When the United States became an independent nation in 1776, it did not have a single city as large as 50,000 inhabitants, but by 1820 it had a city of more than 10,000 people, and by 1880 it had recorded a city of over one It was not until after 1823, after the mechanization of the spinning had weaving industries, that cities started drawing young people away from Such migration was particularly rapid following the Civil War (1861-1865).

What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Factors that slowed the growth of cities in

(B) The evolution of cities in North America

(C) Trade between North American and European cities

(D) The effects of the United Sates" independence on urban growth in New

The word "they" in line 4 refers to

(A) North American colonies

(B) cities

(C) centuries

(D) town economies

The passage compares early European and North American cities on the basis of which of the following?

(A) Their economic success

(B) The type of merchandise they exported

(C) Their ability to distribute goods to interior settlements

(D) The pace of their development

The word "accordingly" in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) as usual

(B) in contrast

(C) to some degree

(D) for that reason

According to the passage , early colonial cities were established along the Atlantic coastline of North America due to

(A) an abundance of natural resources

(B) financial support from colonial governments

(C) proximity to parts of Europe

(D) a favorable climate

The passage indicates that during colonial times, the Atlantic coastline cities prepared which of the following for shipment to Europe?

(A) Manufacturing equipment

(B) Capital goods

(C) Consumer goods

(D) Raw materials

According to the passage , all of the following aspects of the plantation system influenced the growth of southern cities EXCEPT the

(A) location of the plantations

(B) access of plantation owners to shipping

(C) relationships between plantation residents and city residents

(D) economic self-sufficiency of the plantations

It can be inferred from the passage that, in comparison with northern cities, most southern cities were

(A) more prosperous

(B) smaller

(C) less economically self-sufficient

(D) tied less closely to England than to France

The word "recorded" in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) imagined

(B) discovered

(C) documented

(D) planned

The word "drawing" in line 28 is closest in meaning to

(A) attracting

(B) employing

(C) instructing

(D) representing

The passage mentions the period following the Civil War (line 29) because it was a time of

(A) significant obstacles to industrial growth

(B) decreased dependence on foreign trade

(C) increased numbers of people leaving employment on farms

(D) increased migration from northern states to southern states


托福试题 第2篇

to paragraph 1, what was trueof Europe during the medieval Agricultural productivity was relatively little general level of prosperity trade began to play an importantrole in the word key in the passage(Paragraph1)is closest in meaning to paragraph 2, one effect ofthe desire to increase food production was land was cultivated in a different farmers were rural economy was forests and wetlands were used to paragraph 3, what was onereason villages had such great economic were located in regions whereagricultural production was relatively were relatively small inpopulation and size compared with urban village inhabitants made investmentsin industrial inhabitants established markets withintheir 4 supports the idea thatincreased agricultural production was important for the expansion of industryprimarily because the number of available workersin rural new types of raw materials foruse by resulted in an improvement in the healthof the rural cottage workers used by helped repair some of the ravages of theThirty Years’ word “meager” in thepassage(Paragraph 4)is closest in meaning very does the author mention that “Englishand Dutch ships carrying rye from the Baltic states reached Spain andPortugal”(Paragraph 5) suggest that England and theNetherlands were the two most important trading nations in suggest how extensive tradingrelations contrast the importance ofagricultural products with manufactured argue that shipping introduced a rangeof new including the quotation in paragraph 6by the financier from Antwerp, the author is emphasizing was an important aspect of increasing the number of water routesmade trade of exchange were necessary forsuccessful often exaggerated the need forbills of to paragraph 6, merchants wereable to avoid the risk of carrying large amounts of gold and silver third parties in Marseille to buygoods for doing all their business by using paying for their purchases through billsof waiting to pay for goods until the goodshad been to paragraph 7, until theeighteenth century, it was the principal function of which of the following toprovide funds for the of who took Business phrase “an English innovation” inthe passage(Paragraph 8)is closest in meaning new development introduced by arrangement found only in a type of agreement negotiated type of partnership based on to paragraph 8, each of thefollowing was a source of funds used to finance economic expansion of investors engaged in short-termfinancial the Look at the four squares [■] thatindicate where the following sentence could be added to the Wherewould the sentence best fit? They could also avoid having to identify andassess the value of a wide variety of coins issued in many different development of banking and otherfinancial services contributed to the expansion of By the middle of thesixteenth century, financiers and traders commonly accepted bills of exchangein place of gold or silver for other Bills of exchange, which had theirorigins in medieval Italy, were promissory notes (written promises to pay aspecified amount of money by a certain date) that could be sold to In this way, they provided ■【A】Atmid-century, an Antwerp financier only slightly exaggerated when he claimed, “0ne can nomore trade without bills of exchange than sail without " ■【B】Merchants nolonger had to carry gold and silver over long, dangerous ■【C】An Amsterdammerchant purchasing soap from a merchant in Marseille could go to an exchangerand pay the exchanger the equivalent sum in guilders, the Dutch ■【D】Theexchanger would then send a bill of exchange to a colleague in Marseille,authorizing the colleague to pay the Marseille merchant in the merchant"s owncurrency after the actual exchange of goods had taken Directions: An introductory sentencefor a brief summary of the passage is provided Complete the summary byselecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideasthat not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the Thisquestion is worth 2 late sixteenth-and earlyseventeenth-century Europe, increased agricultural production and the expansionof trade were important in economic more land under cultivationproduced enough food to create surpluses for trade and investment as well asfor supporting the larger populations that led to the growth of rural rural villages established an arrangementwith a nearby urban center that enabled villagers to take advantage of urbanmarkets to sell any handicrafts they Increases in population and theexpansion of trade led to increased manufacturing, much of it small-scale incharacter but some requiring significant capital capital was required for theproduction of goods, for storage, for trade, and for the provision of creditthroughout of Europe as well as distant markets of exchange were invented inmedieval Italy but became less important as banks began to provide loans expansion of trade was facilitated bydevelopments in banking and financial services and benefitted from the hugeinflux of capital in the form of gold silver from the

托福试题 第3篇





托福试题 第4篇

of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as being a difficult judgment for children to make about advertised toys?

big the toys are?

much the toys cost?

the toys can do?

the toys are made?

word “verify” in the passage is closest in meaning to

the truth

paragraph 2, what is one reason that claims such as “the best” or “better than” can be misleading?

represent the opinions of adults, which are often different from those of

generally involve comparisons among only a small group of

reflect the attitudes of consumer protection groups rather than those of actual

reflect the advertiser"s viewpoint about the

advertisements that include the statement “when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast” are trying to suggest that

cereal is a desirable part of a healthful, balanced

cereal contains equal amounts of all

is a healthier breakfast than other foods

cereal is the most nutritious part of the breakfast

to paragraph 2, all of the following are true of disclaimers made in advertisements EXCEPT

are qualifications or conditions put on a

may be used to balance

are usually presented in both audio and visual

are often difficult for children to

word “adept”(Paragraph 3)in the passage is closest in meaning to

3 indicates that there is uncertainty about which of the following issues involving children and fantasy in advertising?

children can tell if what they are seeing in an advertisement is real or

children can differentiate fantasy techniques from other techniques used in

children realize how commonly fantasy techniques are used in advertising aimed at

children are attracted to advertisements that lack fantasy .

of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence(Paragraph 3)in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential

appeals in advertising are certainly limited by children"s emotional immaturity and the indirect nature of their

appeals to children"s psychological states or associations can limit the effectiveness of rational appeals in

appeals play a much smaller role in advertisements for children than emotional appeals and psychological associations

appeals in advertising aimed at children should certainly be limited until the children are emotionally and psychologically

word "attributes" (Paragraph 4)in the passage is closest in meaning to

paragraph 4, why does the author mention a show about a cartoon lion in which an advertisement appears featuring the same lion character?

help explain what is meant by the term "host selling” and why it can be misleading to

explain why the role of celebrities in advertising aimed at children has often been confused with host

compare the effectiveness of using animated figures with the effectiveness of using celebrities in advertisements aimed at

indicate how Kunkel first became interested in studying the effects of host selling on

word "credible"(Paragraph 5)in the passage is closest in meaning to

to paragraph 5, what did a study of children in Hong Kong show about the use of celebrities in advertisements aimed at children?

It is most effective with children who watch a lot of

It has little effect if the celebrities are not familiar to most

It is more effective in marketing cereals and food products than in marketing other kinds of

It can have a negative effect if the celebrities are not popular with

Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the Where would the sentence best fit? Another aspect of advertising that may especially influence children is

■【A】Fantasy is one of the more common techniques in advertising that could possibly mislead a young ■【B】Child-oriented advertisements are more likely to include magic and fantasy than advertisements aimed at ■【C】In a content analysis of Canadian television, the author Stephen Kline observed that nearly all commercials for character toys featured fantasy ■【D】Children have strong imaginations and the use of fantasy brings their ideas to life, but children may not be adept enough to realize that what they are viewing is Fantasy situations and settings are frequently used to attract children"s attention, particularly in food Advertisements for breakfast cereals have, for many years, been found to be especially fond of fantasy techniques, with almost nine out of ten including such Generally, there is uncertainty as to whether very young children can distinguish between fantasy and reality in Certainly, rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited, as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological states or

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in the Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the This question is worth 2

Advertisers sometimes use strategies that can mislead

can be misleading to children when the advertisements use audio and visual formats that are especially appealing to

may not be able to interpret exaggerated claims made by advertisers or understand the disclaimers used to offset

the use of celebrities is not necessarily effective in advertisements aimed at children, there is evidence that host selling can positively affect their views of a

show that misleading tactics are used most often in commercials for breakfast cereals, with toy commercials using such tactics only slightly less

use of fantasy is especially common in advertisements for children, but children may not be able to distinguish fantasy from

young children are particularly influenced by host selling, while slightly older children are more readily misled by seemingly rational claims such as “the ”

托福试题 第5篇

阅读经典加试 7Title: Modification of weather

概述:modification of weather 多年来人们一直努力改变天气。最初是发现一战期间,降雨增多(可能与武器使用有关),美国农业部开始试验。后来 1946 年,有个员工发现干冰能让 supercooled water become snow 文章给 supercool 下了定义就是低于零度但是还没有结冰。于是人们开始用 dry ice和 silver iodide来进行人工降雨。其原理就是 dry ice makes the moisture freeze into ice particles and the surrounding moisture freeze around 也就是为降雨提供了凝结核。后来文章说有人担心这样下去会使地面水体的含银量增高,但是调查并没有显示这个说法。这种 cloud seeding 办法继续发展,用别的物质替代干冰。但是很多人 concern这种办法,会对 local 的环境带来影响,但是并无定论。

托福试题 第6篇


First, Second, Third,.。。等逐条列出。并列句是指:A ,B and C,即逐项列出。它们共同的特征是列出二点或三点以上的条目。该类型语言点常考的题型是“细节性问题”,主要有两种:

Which 题型


2 . EXCEPT 题型

该题型俗称“三缺一”题型,即题目 4 个选项中有三个符合文章内容,剩下一个不符合,题目便是要求选出这个不符合文章内容的选项。例如:
All of the following are mentioned as types of evidence concerning handedness EXCEPT 这种题型只适合于考并列、列举句,这是因为它要求其三个选项一定是文章中出现的,也就是并列或列举之处。利用这一特点。我们在读文章的时候就可多留意,如看到并列、列举句,可预想其有可能被考到;如发现题目中有“三缺一”题型,则应到并列、列举处找答案。





否定句是指带有 NO 或 NOT , NEVER 等否定词的句子,而转折句则指带有 HOWEVER , BUT 或RATHER 等关联词引导的句子,它们可以用下面的句型说明:
A is not B , as C , but is D 。对于以上的句型常出“推断性问题”。


句中由 as 或 such as , for example 等引导的短语或句子为举例句,常考“推断性问题”和“细节性问题”。上面句型中的 as C 为插入的举例句。


文中的数字、年代、日期等常常是出题者注意的考题点,如 1996 年 10 月第 48 题。


文章中若出现 must , all , only , anyone , always , never 等绝对性词汇或 first , most beautiful 等最高级词汇,往往是考题要点,一般出“细节性题目”。这是因为它们都有一个共同的特点,那就是 概念绝对 , 答案唯一 ,无论是出题还是做题,不会产出歧义和疑问,因此很容易出题,答案绝对正确。相反地,如果文章中出现相对性的词汇、例如 Some of the people chose red hats,some chose green hats,and others blue 其中 some 为相对性词汇,如果我们出这样一道题:
What color hats did some people choose 那么就没有唯一正确的答案,因为有可能为 red,green 或 blue ,给评卷带来困难。


如果文中含有 more than 或 as as ,like ( a fly )等句型,则为比较级或比喻句结构,往往也是考题点,一般出“推断性题目”。


文章中带有由 that is , ,or 等词汇引导的名词词组,放在一个名词后面,为同位语;插入语是指副词、不定式、分词、从句等结构故在句首,句中或句尾,不做句子成分,但修饰整个句子、表达作者感情的语法结构。




(1) 因果连词:because,since,for,as,therefore,so,consequently 等

(2)表示因果的动词:cause ,result in ,originate from 等;

(3) 表示因果的名词:
base, basis, result,consequence 等,这些因果句都是指明某两个事件之间因果关系的,尤为出题者所青陈。因为通过出题可以考查文中两个事件内在的因果关系。此种句型一般出“推断性问题”。


文章各段第一句( 段首句 )和末段员后一句( 文尾句 )都是十分重要的地方,往往是文章作者表达中思想,进行总结综述的地方,因此常出(1)主题性问题,(2)细节性问题(3)结构性问题。



(1) 破折号,表示解释。考细节性问题;

(2) 括号,表示解释。考细节性问题;

(3) 冒号,一股同上,有时冒号也表示列举,则考“ EXCEPT ”题目;

(4) 引号。表示引用,考细节性问题:

(5) 惊叹号,表示作者感情,考态度性问题。

托福试题 第7篇



需要大家在一个月的时间内,按照老师所讲的托福阅读的方法,来做大量的练习——刷题。俗话说 “纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”,大多数学生一直都是在听老师讲解,托福阅读细节题怎么做,推断题怎么做,修辞目的题怎么做,但如果你自己没有认真的去做几套题,你是永远无法掌握老师口中所讲的方法的,也不能体会题干中的规律和奥妙。因此对于没有做过托福阅读练习的同学来说,首先要做的就是,通过多做练习来提高托福阅读做题方法的熟练度。对于做题方法都不太熟悉的同学来说,还是尽快的熟悉下托福阅读的题型,学习做题方法,进行练习,这样才能够达到最佳的效果。





Q6 According to paragraph 3, what was the significance of the land law passed in 1820?

A It granted government-supported loans to

B It provided farmland at an affordable

C It required banks to offer loans to

D It enabled farmers to sell their land for a

大多数同学都能够通过1820这个年代找到原文中相关的描写部分:In 1820 under a new land law, a farm could be bought for The continued proliferation of banks made it easier for those without cash to negotiate loans in paper (在1820年,通过了一个新的土地法案,一个农场用100美元就能够买下。)这句话的意思非常简单,但是为什么还是有这么多同学会选错呢? 原因就是因为他们所关注的是法案的内容,而不是题目中所问的法案的重要性。这就是我们所说的,大家自己在偷换概念。此时,需要大家再次看清审题。因此建议同学们应采纳的做题顺序为:读题目找关键词---读句子---再次读题---选出正确选项。这样做的好处是既让大家看清楚题目,又能快而准确的解题。有时候因为题目没有读仔细,我们会出现重复看文段的现象,这样就降低了做题速度。不重复地去读文段,是解决托福阅读做题速度慢的最佳方法。

托福试题 第8篇

1) aer, ar, 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane, aerial,

2) ag, act, ig, 含义是“做,动作” active, agent, reaction,

3) alt, 含义是“高”, altitude,

4) alter, altern, altr, 含义是“其它,变更” alternate,

5) bio, bi, bion, 含义是“生物,生命” biology, bionics(仿生学)

6) brev, bri, brief, 含义是“短” brief, abbreviation, abridge(节略)

7) cap, capt, cept, cip, 含义是“取,获” capture, except, concept, capacity

8) ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,让步” proceed, succeed, excess(过度)

9) centr, centr, 含义是“中心” concentrate, eccentric(偏心的)

10) clain, clam, 含义是“呼喊” claim, proclaim, exclaim

11) clos, clud, 含义是“闭合” conclude, enclose, include

12) col, cult, 含义是“耕耘” colony, cultivate, agriculture

13) cor, cord, 含义是“心” cordial, record, accord

14) curr, cur, cour, 含义是“跑,动作” current, occur, concurrence(同时发生)

15) dic, dict, 含义是“说,示” dictate, edit, indicate, predict

16) doc, doct, 含义是“教” doctor,

17) duc, duct含义是“引导,传导” introduce, produce, conduct, deduct( 推论)

18) fact, fac, fect, dic, dit, 含义是“做,创造” factory, effect, profit, faculty, perfect

19) fend, fens, 含义是“打,击” defence, offence

20) fer, 含义是“搬运,移转” ferry, transfer, defer(迟延)

21) fin, finit, 含义是“终,极” final, finish, confine

22) firm, 含义是“坚固” firm, confirm, affirm(断定)

23) fix, 含义是“固定” prefix, affix(附加)

24) flect, flex, 含义是“弯曲” flexible, reflex

25) flor, flour, flower, 含义是“花” flower, flourish

26) form, 含义是“形” uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform

27) forc, fort, 含义是“力,强度” force, enforce, effort

28) gen, genit, 含义是“生产,发生” generate, generation

29) gram, graph, 含义是“书写,记录” telegram, diagram, photograph

30) grad, gress, gred, gree, 含义是“步,阶段” gradually, degree, progress

31) hab, habit, hibit, 含义是“保持,住” inhabit, exhibit, prohibit

32) her, hes, 含义是“粘附” adhere, cohesion

33) ject, jet, 含义是“抛射” project, inject

34) jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期)

35) jug, junct, 含义是“结合,连合” conjunction, junction(连合)

36) labour, labor, 含义是“劳动,工作” labourer, elaborate, collaborate

37) lect, leg, lig, 含义是“挑选,采集” collect, select, lecture

38) lif, liv, 含义是“生活,生存” life, alive, live

39) loc, 含义是“场所,位置” location, dislocate(脱位)

40) long, leng, ling, 含义是“长的” length, prolong, linger

41) loqu, locut, 含义是“说话” colloquial, eloquent,

42) mand, mend, 含义是“命令” command, demand, recommend

43) man, manu, 含义是“手,手法” manage, manual

44) memor, menber, 含义是“记忆” memory, remember, memorial

45) mind, ment, 含义是“心” mind, remind, mental

46) merc, merch, 含义是“贸易” commerce, merchant

47) meas, mens, meter, metr, 含义是“测量,度量” measure, meter, diameter

48) min, 含义是“小” diminish, minority

49) miss, mit, 含义是“派遣,送” mission, dismiss, transmit, missile

50) mob, mot, mov, 含义是“动” movement, motion, mobile, remove

托福试题 第9篇


【2】甚至在干旱之前,撒哈拉地区也从未有充足的水分。人类和野生动物都不停的迁徙,以寻找食物和可靠的水源。在这些情况下,考古学家Andrew Smith 认为随着干旱的持续,沙漠中野牛群会变成更小,组织更紧密的族群。兽群变得更加自律,因此猎人更容易预测他们的习性并随意抓捕。同时,骆驼和人类的行动范围进一步靠近,在固定水源附近长期更亲近的共处。结果骆驼和人类形成了紧密的联合。





托福阅读TPO28(试题+答案+译文)第2篇:Early Saharan Pastoralists相关

托福试题 第10篇

一、 推理题的标志

推理题的题干中一般含有infer, imply, most likely, least likely, probably等词,分为有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题两大类。

二、 推理题的做法






It should be obvious that cetaceans, whales, porpoises, and dolphins are They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about early sea otters?

It is not difficult to imagine what they looked

There were great numbers of

They lived in the sea

They did not leave many fossil




Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth….

…It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial

It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution

(A) families were

(B) population statistics were

(C) the population grew

(D) economic conditions were




A folk culture is small, isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed …Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada….

By contrast, a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group, often highly individualistic and constantly

What does the author imply about the United States and Canada?

(A) They value folk

(B) They have no social

(C) They have popular

(D) They do not value

托福试题 第11篇

The spectacular aurora light displays that appear in Earth"s atmosphere around the north and south magnetic poles were once mysterious Now, scientists have data from satellites and ground-based observations from which we know that the aurora brilliance is an immense electrical discharge similar to that occurring in a neon

To understand the cause of auroras, first picture the Earth enclosed by its magnetosphere, a huge region created by the Earth"s magnetic Outside the magnetosphere, blasting toward the earth is the solar wind, a swiftly moving plasma of ionized gases with its own magnetic Charged particles in this solar wind speed earthward along the solar wind"s magnetic lines of force with a spiraling The Earth"s magnetosphere is a barrier to the solar winds, and forces the charged particles of the solar wind to flow around the magnetosphere But in the polar regions, the magnetic lines of force of the Earth and of the solar wind bunch Here many of the solar wind"s charged particles break through the magnetosphere and enter Earth"s magnetic They then spiral back and forth between the Earth"s magnetic poles very In the polar regions, electrons from the solar wind ionize and excite the atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere, causing them to emit aurora radiations of visible

The colors of an aurora depend on the atoms emitting The dominant greenish white light comes from low energy excitation of oxygen During huge magnetic storms oxygen atoms also undergo high energy excitation and emit crimson Excited nitrogen atoms contribute bands of color varying from blue to Viewed from outer space, auroras can be seen as dimly glowing belts wrapped around each of the Earth"s magnetic Each aurora hangs like a curtain of light stretching over the polar regions and into the higher When the solar flares that result in magnetic storms and aurora activity are very intense, aurora displays may extend as far as the southern regions of the United

Studies of auroras have given physicists new information about the behavior of plasmas, which has helped to explain the nature of outer space and is being applied in attempts to harness energy from the fusion of

What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The methods used to observe auroras from outer space

(B) The formation and appearance of auroras around the Earth"s poles

(C) The factors that cause the variety of colors in auroras

(D) The periodic variation in the display of auroras

The word "phenomena" in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) ideas

(B) stars

(C) events

(D) colors

The word "picture" in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) frame

(B) imagine

(C) describe

(D) explain

The passage describes the magnetosphere as a barrier (line 10) because

(A) its position makes it difficult to be observed from Earth

(B) it prevents particles from the solar wind from easily entering Earth"s atmosphere

(C) it increases the speed of particles from the solar wind

(D) it is strongest in the polar regions

The word "them" in line 16 refers to

(A) polar regions

(B) electrons

(C) atoms and molecules

(D) aurora radiations

According to the passage , which color appears most frequently in an aurora display?

(A) greenish-white

(B) crimson

(C) blue

(D) violet

The word "emit" in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) change from

(B) connect with

(C) add to

(D) give off

The word "glowing" in line 22 is closest in meaning to

(A) shining

(B) moving

(C) charging

(D) hanging

Auroras may be seen in the southern regions of the United Sates when

(A) magnetic storms do not affect Earth

(B) solar flares are very intense

(C) the speed of the solar wind is reduced

(D) the excitation of atoms is low

The passage supports which of the following statements about scientists" understanding of auroras?

(A) Before advances in technology, including satellites, scientists knew little about

(B) New knowledge about the fusion of atoms allowed scientists to learn more about

(C) Scientists cannot explain the cause of the different colors in

(D) Until scientists learn more about plasma physics, little knowledge about auroras will be

Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) "magnetosphere" (line 6)

(B) "electrons" (line 15)

(C) "ionize" (line 15)

(D) "fusion" (line 29)


托福试题 第12篇













老托福阅读试题及答案:PASSAGE 6相关

托福试题 第13篇


【2】到目前为止,最丰富的地热能形式介于相对较低的80到180摄氏度的温度。在此温度范围内的热储内循环的水可以提取出足够的热量供居住区、商业区和工业区取暖。目前在法国有20 000间以上的公寓是由温暖的地下水供暖的,这些地下水来自位于巴黎附近叫做巴黎盆地的地质构造的热储。冰岛位于一个被称为是大西洋中脊的火山构造之上。冰岛的首都雷克雅维克完全是用火山热产生的地热能供暖的。





托福阅读TPO21(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Geothermal Energy相关

托福试题 第14篇


barring:except,not including除……外



failing:in default of因缺少……;在缺少……时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在……以后

including:if we include如果包括我;……包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of


according tas stated by/ in proportion根据……/依照……

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有

apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除……外/且莫说;除……之外尚有

as for:with regard to至于

as from:on and after(a specified time)从一特定时间开始

as of=as from

as regards:about,concerning至于,就……而论

as twith regard to关于,至于

because of:on account of,by reason

but for:without the help or hindrane 假如没有……(帮助或障碍等);要不是

by means of凭借……的方法

due tbecause of由于

except for:not including,other than除了

in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据

in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着……的面

in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为……的交换

in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾

instead of:in place of

in view of:considering由于,鉴于

with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到

near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance)

next talmost,virtually几乎

on account of:
beause of

on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了……的利益/代表

owing tbecause of由于

prior tbefore在前,居先

together with:as well as和,连同

up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于

in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of

in that由于,因为

now that由于

托福阅读经典加试: Modification of weather试题及答案相关

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