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时间:2023-07-13 13:48:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



雅思阅读词汇 第1篇

如何减少闪电危害Reduce the Harm of Lightning



cardiac arrest向博(动)停止雅思



conductor of electricity电导体











electric power电力,电功率

electrical appliance电器

electrical potential电能




雅思阅读词汇 第2篇















但是有些单词是碰到立马就要略过的,这种词我们可以把它称为所谓的垃圾词汇.要知道当我们只有3千个词汇的时候却花时间学一些像chrysanthemum (菊花), anemia(贫血)这样的词是完全没有必要的.

当然,没有哪一个词是真正的垃圾词汇,这要取决于阅读时候的上下文,阅读者的水平,以及阅读的目的.如果你是个医生,对你来说anemia就是必备单词了,其重要性可能和apple对孩子的重要性一样.如果你又正好像我读过一本叫做chrysanthemum and sword(菊与刀)的书,你就会对chrysanthemum这个所谓的垃圾词也印象深刻了.

雅思阅读词汇 第3篇

K 1000元

agcy agency 经销商

data pro data processing 数据处理

perm permanent 永久性的

Admin administrative 行政的

Jr junior 初级

ad/adv advertising 广告

dept department 部

pls please 请

dir director 董事

pos position 职位

knowl knowledge 知识

mgr manager 经理

clk clerk (办公室)职员

m-f monday-friday 从周一到周五

co company 公司

mo month 月

coll college 大专(学历)

nec necessary 必要的

comm commission 佣金

oppty opportunity 机会

corp cororation (有限)公司

ot overtime 超时

appt appointment 约会、预约

loc location 位置、场所

mech mechanic 机械的

bus business 商业、生意

div division 分工、部门

pref preference (有经验者)优先

eqpt equipment 装备

prev previous 有先前(经验)

etc and so on 等等

P/T part time 非全日制

eves evenings 晚上

asst assistant 助理

Lv/lvl level 级/层

attn attention 给, 与…联系

mach machine 机器

temp temporarily 临时性(工作)

HS high school 高中(学历)

trans transportation 交通

immed immediate 立即

trnee trainee 实习生

exc excellent 很好的

rel reliable 可靠的

exp experience 经验

reps Representative (销售)代表

exp’d experienced 有经验的

req required 需要

ext extension 延伸、扩展

yr(s) Year(s) 年

sh shorthand 人手不足

gd good 好

sr senior 资深

bkgd background 背景

manuf/mf manufacturing 制造

bldg building 建筑物、大楼

refs references 推荐信

hrly hourly 每小时

grad graduate 毕业

stdnt student 学生

hosp hospital 医院

stmts statements 报告

hqtrs headquarters 总部

tech technical 技术上

hr hour 小时

tel/ph telephone 电话


incl including 包括

typ typing/typist 打字/打字员

sal salary 工资

ben fringe benefits 额外福利

secty secretary 秘书

F/T full time 全日制

inexp inexperienced 无经验的

Wpm words per minute 打字/每分钟

int’l international 国际性的

ind industrial 工业的

wk week/work 周/工作

雅思阅读词汇 第4篇

trans transportation 交通

immed immediate 立即

trnee trainee 实习生

exc excellent 很好的

rel reliable 可靠的

exp experience 经验

reps Representative (销售)代表

exp’d experienced 有经验的

req required 需要

ext extension 延伸、扩展

yr(s) Year(s) 年

sh shorthand 人手不足

gd good 好

sr senior 资深

bkgd background 背景

manuf/mf manufacturing 制造

bldg building 建筑物、大楼

refs references 推荐信

hrly hourly 每小时

grad graduate 毕业

stdnt student 学生

hosp hospital 医院

stmts statements 报告

hqtrs headquarters 总部

tech technical 技术上

hr hour 小时

tel/ph telephone 电话

雅思阅读词汇 第5篇



雅思阅读考试文章涉及范文比较广,有人文社科类的、自然科学类的,这两大类里又细分很多领域,比如教育、经济、天文、地理、历史等等,因此,想要取得雅思阅读高分势必要有意识的拓宽自己的阅读面和阅读量。环球教育雅思阅读老师建议大家,平时多看英语杂志期刊、网站,例如The Economist 、New Scientist 、time、Nature、Discover等。







雅思阅读词汇 第6篇


















() 减轻;缓和



































(AmE urbanization)都市化,文雅化









雅思阅读词汇 第7篇

appt appointment 约会、预约

loc location 位置、场所

mech mechanic 机械的

bus business 商业、生意

div division 分工、部门

pref preference (有经验者)优先

eqpt equipment 装备

prev previous 有先前(经验)

etc and so on 等等

P/T part time 非全日制

eves evenings 晚上

asst assistant 助理

Lv/lvl level 级/层

attn attention 给, 与…联系

mach machine 机器

temp temporarily 临时性(工作)

HS high school 高中(学历)

雅思阅读词汇 第8篇



其次就是舍弃原理,不用做完三篇文章,只要认认真真做完两篇半,以拿到7分为目标。有时候换一种思维会有一种不同的结果,为什么一定要完完整整的做完三篇雅思阅读文章呢?雅思阅读保分班老师认为有时候认认真真、不紧不慢的做完两篇半,其正确率也许比着急忙慌做完三篇的效果更好。不过这里就涉及到如何取舍的问题,大家一般是做到第三篇文章时时间不够, 一般一篇文章会有三种题型,毫无疑问,你要先做的是那些无法蒙或者很难蒙对的题,比如填词类的题(填空题、完成句子题、问答题等)。你要舍的是那些容易蒙的题,比如选择题,其次是判断题。



雅思阅读词汇 第9篇

K 1000元

agcy agency 经销商

data pro data processing 数据处理

perm permanent 永久性的

Admin administrative 行政的

Jr junior 初级

ad/adv advertising 广告

dept department 部

pls please 请

dir director 董事

pos position 职位

knowl knowledge 知识

mgr manager 经理

clk clerk (办公室)职员

m-f monday-friday 从周一到周五

co company 公司

mo month 月

coll college 大专(学历)

nec necessary 必要的

comm commission 佣金

oppty opportunity 机会

corp cororation (有限)公司

ot overtime 超时

雅思阅读词汇 第10篇

salmon pink 橙红色;

baby pink 浅粉红色;

shocking pink 鲜粉红色;

brown 褐色, 茶色;

beige 灰褐色;

chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色;

sandy beige 浅褐色;

camel 驼色;

amber 琥珀色;

khaki 卡其色;

maroon 褐红色;

moss green 苔绿色;

olive green 橄榄绿

雅思阅读词汇 第11篇

achievements 工作成就,业绩

administer 管理

adapted to 适应于

accomplish 完成(任务等)

appointed 被认命的

adept in 善于

authorized 委任的,核准的

behave 表现

break the record 打破纪录

breakthrough 关键问题的解决

conduct 经营,处理

雅思阅读词汇 第12篇

conservation 保护,保存 ( conserve) conversation

environmentalist = conservationist

acid 酸 酸的 (<>alkali)acid rain

carbon 碳 (C) charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide

fume exhaust smoke, fog, smog

petroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gas

ozone 臭氧 (o + zone)ozone layer

ooze 渗出 渗出物

radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactive

greenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases

solar 太阳的 (solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar)

phenomenon 现象

catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm

deterioration 恶化 ( deteriorate)

extinction 灭绝 ( extinct)

species endangered species

drought 干旱 (^ “找它”)>>> famine flooding

recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + concurrent

inundate 淹没 ^ “淹掉它”

embankment 筑堤 (em + bank + ment)

sediment 沉积(物)= deposit

delta 三角洲the Pearl River Delta

alluvial 冲积的

desertification desert ( dessert)

dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstorm

barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的

dune sand dunethe game “DUNE”!

attributable 归因于be attributable to…

deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<> afforestation/reforestation

log 原木,日志 伐木 logo

vegetation 植物,植被 vegetable, vegetarian

habitat 栖息地 habit (Habit is the second )

ecosystem 生态系统 (eco + system)~ ecology

viability viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for assessing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is population viability

demographic 人口统计的 demo(people) + graph(write) + ic

interdependence inter + dependence

counterbalance 使平衡,弥补 (=offset)counter(against) + balance

mechanism 机理,机制

precipitation 陡降,降水 ( precipice)<> evaporation

circulation 流通,循环

tide à tidal wave (海啸)<> ebb earthquake

typhoon ~ tornado, hurricane

meteorology 气象(学)

volcano 火山

eruption 喷发 ( erupt)volcanic eruption >>> lava

granite 花岗岩

imminent = impending eminent

Celsius 摄氏的 centigrade

Fahrenheit 华氏的

latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitude

tropical (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zone

glacier 冰川

dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumping

contaminate 弄脏 (à contaminant)

recycle 回收再利用

irreversible 不可逆的 (= irrevocable)

reclaim 开垦,改造 à reclamation

contentious 有争议的 ( contend)Many environmental issues today are highly

opt 选择(+ for) à option

prioritize 优先考虑 ( prior, priority)

雅思阅读词汇 第13篇


advance 预发消息;预写消息

affair(e) 桃色新闻;绯闻

anecdote 趣闻轶事

assignment 采写任务

attribution 消息出处,消息来源

back alley news 小道消息

backgrounding 新闻背景

Bad news travels 坏事传千里

banner 通栏标题

beat 采写范围

blank 开天窗

body 新闻正文

boil 压缩(篇幅)

box 花边新闻

brief 简讯

bulletin 新闻简报

byline 署名文章

caption 图片说明

caricature 漫画

carry 刊登

cartoon 漫画

censor 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查

chart 每周流行音乐排行版

clipping 剪报

column 专栏;栏目

columnist 专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说

contributing editor 特约编辑

contribution (投给报刊的)稿件;投稿

contributor 投稿人

copy desk 新闻编辑部

copy editor 文字编辑

correction 更正(启事)

correspondence column 读者来信专栏

correspondent 驻外记者;常驻外埠记者

cover 采访;采写

covergirl 封面女郎

covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访

crop 剪辑(图片)

crusade 宣传攻势

cut 插图 删减(字数)

cutline 插图说明



雅思阅读词汇 第14篇

Answer keys and explanations:


See from the beginning: Zolpidem, sold under the brand names Ambien, Stilnoct and Stilnox, is widely prescribed to treat insomnia and other disorders such as sleep


See under the subtitle “Midnight snack”: Another case involved a woman who gained 23 kilograms over seven months while taking “It was only when she was discovered in front of an open refrigerator while asleep that the problem was resolved”…

Not Given

See under the subtitle “Midnight snack”: The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, meanwhile, has recorded 68 cases of adverse reactions to zolpidem from 20XX to (The time the drug was approved in the UK was not )


See under the subtitle “Midnight snack”: In one case, a transatlantic flight had to be diverted after a passenger caused havoc after taking


See under the subtitle “Tried and tested”: He says that unlike older types of sleep medications, zolpidem does not carry as great a risk of

Not Given

See under the subtitle “Tried and tested”: And Wright notes that some of the reports of “sleep-driving” linked to zolpidem can be easily explained: some patients have wrongly taken the drug right before leaving work in hopes that the medicine will kick in by the time they reach (No patients as office workers are mentioned in the )


See from the beginning: A newly published report from Australia’s Federal Health Department describes 104 cases of hallucinations and 62 cases of amnesia experienced by people taking zolpidem since marketing of the drug began there in The health department report also mentioned 16 cases of strange sleepwalking by people taking the


See the sentence in under the subtitle “Hypnotic effects” (The product information for prescribers advises that psychiatric adverse effects, including hallucinations, sleepwalking and nightmares, are more likely in the elderly, and treatment should be stopped if they ) and the sentence in under the subtitle “Tried and tested” (Doctors “not the product information” stress that the medication should be taken just before going to )


See under the subtitle “Tried and tested”: Sanofi-Aventis spokesperson Melissa Feltmann … says that “the safety profile [of zolpidem] is well established”.

674,500 (times)

See from the beginning: Various forms of the drug, made by French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis, were prescribed 674,500 times in 20XX in the

(a) benzodiazepine-like (hypnotic)

See under the subtitle “Hypnotic effects”: The drug is a benzodiazepine-like hypnotic (类苯二氮催眠药)that promotes deep sleep by interacting with brain receptors for a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric

risky consequences

See under the subtitle “Hypnotic effects”: Patient advocacy groups … stress that strange sleepwalking and sleep-driving behaviours can have risky

Food & Drug (Administration)

See under the subtitle “Tried and tested”: The US Food & Drug Administration says it is continuing to "actively investigate" and collect information about cases linking zolpidem to unusual side

雅思阅读词汇 第15篇

Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet write

TRUE if the statement is true according to the passage

FALSE if the statement is false according to the passage

NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

Ambien, Stilnoct and Stilnox are brand names of one same drug treating

The woman’s obesity problem wasn’t resolved until she stopped taking

Zolpidem received approval in the UK in

The bizarre behaviour of a passenger after taking zolpidem resulted in the diversion of a flight bound for the other side of the

Zolpidem is the only sleep medication that doesn’t cause

The sleep-driving occurrence resulted from the wrong use of zolpidem by an office

Question 7-9Choose the appropriate letters A-D and Write them in boxes 7-9 on your answer

How many cases of bizarre behaviours are described in an official report from Australia?





Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the product information about zolpidem?

Treatment should be stopped if side effects

Medication should be taken just before going to

Adverse effects are more likely in the

Side effects include nightmares, hallucinations and

Who claimed that the safety description of zolpidem was well established?

Kenneth Wright

Melissa Feltmann

Richard Millman

Vera Sharav

Questions 10-13Answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS each in boxes

How many times was French-made zolpidem prescribed in 20XX in Britain?

What kind of hypnotic is zolpidem as a drug which promotes deep sleep in patients?

What can sleepwalking and sleep-driving behaviours cause according to patient advocacy groups?

What US administration says that it has been investigating the cases relating zolpidem to unusual side effects?

雅思阅读词汇 第16篇

Individual Sports 体育项目

gymnastics 体操

gymnastic apparatus 体操器械

horizontal bar 单杠

parallel bars 双杠

rings 吊环

trapeze 秋千

wall bars 肋木

side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马

weight-lifting 举重

weights 重量级

boxing 拳击

Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

hold, lock 揪钮

judo 柔道

fencing 击剑

雅思阅读词汇 第17篇

incl including 包括

typ typing/typist 打字/打字员

sal salary 工资

ben fringe benefits 额外福利

secty secretary 秘书

F/T full time 全日制

inexp inexperienced 无经验的

Wpm words per minute 打字/每分钟

int’l international 国际性的

ind industrial 工业的

wk week/work 周/工作

雅思阅读词汇 第18篇

admim administrative 行政的

Jr junior 初级

ad/adv advertising 广告

K 1000元 oppty opportunity 机会

corp cororation (有限)公司

ot overtime 超时

data pro data processing数据处理

perm permanent 永久性的

dept department 部

pls please 请

dir director 董事

pos position 职位

div division 分工、部门

雅思阅读词汇 第19篇

Sleep medication linked to bizarre behaviour

New evidence has linked a commonly prescribed sleep medication with bizarre behaviours, including a case in which a woman painted her front door in her

UK and Australian health agencies have released information about 240 cases of odd occurrences, including sleepwalking, amnesia and hallucinations among people taking the drug

While doctors say that zolpidem can offer much-needed relief for people with sleep disorders, they caution that these newly reported cases should prompt a closer look at its possible side

Zolpidem, sold under the brand names Ambien, Stilnoct and Stilnox, is widely prescribed to treat insomnia and other disorders such as sleep Various forms of the drug, made by French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis, were prescribed 674,500 times in 20XX in the

A newly published report from Australia’s Federal Health Department describes 104 cases of hallucinations and 62 cases of amnesia experienced by people taking zolpidem since marketing of the drug began there in The health department report also mentioned 16 cases of strangesleepwalking by people taking the

Midnight snack

In one of these sleepwalking cases a patient woke with a paintbrush in her hand after painting the front door to her Another case involved a woman who gained 23 kilograms over seven months while taking “It was only when she was discovered in front of an open refrigerator while asleep that the problem was resolved,” according to the

The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, meanwhile, has recorded 68 cases of adverse reactions to zolpidem from 20XX to

The newly reported cases in the UK and Australia add to a growing list of bizarre sleepwalking episodes linked to the drug in other countries, including reports of people sleep-driving while on the In one case, a transatlantic flight had to be diverted after a passenger caused havoc after taking

Hypnotic effects

There is no biological pathway that has been proven to connect zolpidem with these The drug is a benzodiazepine-like hypnotic that promotes deep sleep by interacting with brain receptors for a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric While parts of the brain become less active during deep sleep, the body can still move, making sleepwalking a

The product information for prescribers advises that psychiatric adverse effects, including hallucinations, sleepwalking and nightmares, are more likely in the elderly, and treatment should be stopped if they

Patient advocacy groups say they would like government health agencies and drug companies to take a closer look at the possible risks associated with sleep They stress that strange sleepwalking and sleep-driving behaviours can have risky

“When people do something in which they’re not in full control it’s always a danger,” says Vera Sharav of the New York-based Alliance for Human Research Protection, a US network that advocates responsible and ethical medical research

Tried and tested

“The more reports that come out about the potential side effects of the drug, the more research needs to be done to understand if these are real side effects,” says sleep researcher Kenneth Wright at the University of Colorado in Boulder,

Millions of people have taken the drug without experiencing any strange side effects, points out Richard Millman at Brown Medical School, director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Lifespan Hospitals in Providence, Rhode Island, He says that unlike older types of sleep medications, zolpidem does not carry as great a risk of

And Wright notes that some of the reports of “sleep-driving” linked to zolpidem can be easily explained: some patients have wrongly taken the drug right before leaving work in hopes that the medicine will kick in by the time they reach Doctors stress that the medication should be taken just before going to

The US Food & Drug Administration says it is continuing to "actively investigate" and collect information about cases linking zolpidem to unusual side

The Ambien label currently lists strange behaviour as a “special concern” for people taking the “It’s a possible rare adverse event,” says Sanofi-Aventis spokesperson Melissa Feltmann, adding that the strange sleepwalking behaviours “may not necessarily be caused by the drug” but instead result from an underlying She says that “the safety profile [of zolpidem] is well established”. The drug received approval in the US in

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