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时间:2023-07-18 12:30:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



二年级英语知识点梳理 第1篇


一)在后面加s。如:fathers, books, Americans, Germans, apples, bananas

二)x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es。如:boxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes, faxes

三)1)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es如:baby-babies, family-families, duty-duties, comedy-comedies, documentary-documentaries, story-stories

2)以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。如:day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, ways

四)以o结尾加s(外来词)。如:radios, photos, 但如是辅音加o的加es:如: tomatoes西红柿, potatoes马铃薯

五)以f或fe结尾的变f为v再加es(s)。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves, shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves, yourself-yourselves

六)单复数相同(不变的)有:fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese

七)一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people, pants, shorts, shoes, glasses, gloves, clothes, socks

八)单词形式不变,既可以是单数也可以是复数的有:police警察局,警察, class班,同学, family家,家庭成员

九)合成的复数一般只加主要名词,多数为后一个单词。如:action movie-action movies, pen pal-pen pals; 但如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。如:man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-women teachers

十)有的单复数意思不同。如:fish鱼 fishes鱼的种类, paper纸 papers报纸,卷子,论文, work工作 works作品,工厂, glass玻璃 glasses玻璃杯,眼镜,orange桔子水 oranges橙子, light光线 lights灯, people人 peoples民族,time时间 times时代, 次数, chicken 鸡肉chickens 小鸡

十一) 单个字母的复数可以有两种形式直接加s或’s。如:Is (I’s), Ks (K’s)。但如是缩略词则只加s。如:IDs, VCDs, SARs

十二) 特殊形式的有:child-children, man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, mouse-mice, policeman-policemen, Englishman-Englishmen

二年级英语知识点梳理 第2篇



My (我的),your(你的) ,his(他的) ,her (她的),its (它的),our (我们的),your (你们的),their(他(她、它)们的)。


1)译成汉语都有"的" eg:my 我的, their 他们的

2)后面加名词:eg:my backpack ,his name

3)前后不用冠词 a, an ,the

This is a my (错误)

That is your a (错误)

It"s his the (错误)

3、I(物主代词)my, you(物主代词)your ,he (物主代词)her,we (物主代词) our


二年级英语知识点梳理 第3篇

It is three o"clock in the Classes are Gao Shan is looking for Wang

Gao Shan: Excuse me, Miss Is Wang Bing helping you in the office .

Miss Li: No, he"s He and Mike are in the I

Gao Shan: Are they playing basketball?

Miss Li: Perhaps they

Gao Shan: I"ll go and join Goodbye, Miss

Helen: Where are you going, Gao Shan?

Gao Shan: I"m going to the Are you going to the playground, too?

Helen: No, I"m I"m going to the Su Hai and Su Yang are

Gao Shan: What are they doing? Are they studying in the library?

Helen: No, they aren"t They"re cleaning the library

Gao Shan: I"ll go and join

Helen: Let"s

B" Look, read and

Read a newspaper

Read a magazine

Read a picture book

Play chess

Play cards

Play with a yo-yo

Play with marbles

E" Look and read

The dog is running after the mouse

The mouse is sitting under the

The dog is jumping on the

The mouse is eating the dog"s

The dog is crying and the mouse is

Now the mouse is dancing on the dog"s

二年级英语知识点梳理 第4篇


人称代词 物主代词 指示代词 反身代词

人称 主格 宾格 形容词 名词性

第一人称 单数 I me my mine myself

复数 we us our ours ourselves

第二人称 单数 you you your yours yourself

复数 you you your yours yourselves

第三人称 单数 she her her hers herself

he him his his himself

it it its its this that itself

复数 they them their theirs these those themselves

二年级英语知识点梳理 第5篇


play with 和…玩 thank sb for sth 为某事感谢某人 from start to end 从开始到结束

look at 看一看 come out 出来 in the day在白天

at night 在夜晚 an hour a day 一天一小时 like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事

live in 住在 learn a lesson 得到教训 gool idea 好主意

how often 多长时间一次 put into 把放进 be from / come from 来自

Chinese stamps 中国邮票 lots of / a lot of 许多 need to do sth 需要做某事

a picture of 一张… 的照片 have got 有 tell sb about sth 告诉某人某件事

millions of 无记其数的 how long 多长 how old 多大

in the street 在街上 be different from 与…不同 be difficult for sb 对于某人来说很难

the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园 pen pal 笔友

New York 纽约 hurry up 快点 go swimming 去游泳

go to school 上学 play basketball 打篮球 draw a picture 画一幅画

stay at home 呆在家里 watch TV 看电视 in the world 在世界上

二年级英语知识点梳理 第6篇



Mine(我的), yours (你的),his(他的) ,hers(她的) ,its (它的),ours (我们的),yours (你们的),theirs(他(她、它)们的)

2、 名词性物主代词的特点:




Eg:1、the pen is mine .钢笔是我的(mine=my pen)

二年级英语知识点梳理 第7篇

green 绿色, yellow ., blue 蓝色, purple 紫色, white 白色, pink 粉红色, orange桔., brown 棕色, black 黑色,red 红色, grey 灰色, what colour 什么颜色, see 看见, beautiful 美丽的,rainbow 彩虹, shine 阳光,照射,shining 闪闪发光的, shiny, 发光的,发亮的, over there 在那边, outside 在外面, inside 在

里面, window 窗, I 我, my 我的, you 你, 你们, your 你的, 你们的, he 他, his 他的, she 她, her 她的, it 它, its 它的, they 他们, their 他们的, colour 颜色, what colour 什么颜色, pear 梨, rabbit 兔子,butterfly 蝴蝶, butterflies 蝴蝶 (复数), bird 鸟, apple 苹果, bag 书包, dog 狗, elephant 大象, five 五, girl 女孩, hand 手, insect 昆虫, jar 罐子, kite 风筝, lion 狮子, mouse 老鼠, net 网, orange 桔子, pig 猪, queen 女皇, rabbit 兔子, soup 汤, table 桌子, umbrella 伞, van 货车, window 窗, box 盒子, yellow ., zebra 斑马,

What colour is it ? It"s 它是什么颜色? 它是粉红色。

What colour are they ? They are 它们是什么颜色? 它们是.。

What can you see ? I can see a 你看到了什么? 我看到了一只蝴蝶。

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